Happy Easter

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Before I start I will like to say Happy Easter! How have u guys been? Anything new happen lately. If so comment. And now before I start I'm also working on another one-shot so this one is going to be short. So let's get started shall we.

3rd point of view

This Easter is different than all the others . Peter and Harley wanted this Easter to be fun for their kid sister Morgan Stark. So peter called called MJ, Shuri, and Ned. And Harley called Nebula, Groot, Wanda, and Vision. They all made a plan to make this Easter a fun one so they all got to work.

Peter's POV

"So me and Harley called you all here because we want Morgan to have a good Easter 🐣 and we have a plane."
"So both of you called out here because you want to throw a Easter party for Morgan?" Nebula said.
"Yes." Both Peter and Harley said
"Then why didn't you tell us sooner we could've had everything planned out by now, losers." MJ said
"Well you see we already have everything but we just need help to hide the Easter's eggs and one of us needs to watch Morgan so we can have everything done." Harley said
"I am groot" Groot said
"Thank you Groot" everyone said
"Looks like we're in" Wanda said
"Okay, but who is going to watch Morgan?" Ned said
"That's what we both though about we all take turns in watching her and then in the end we could play a game of hide in seek so that we could do the finishing touches to everything so we don't have to worry about it." Harley said pointing to Peter and himself
"Alright but who is going to watch Mr Stark first." Vision asks
"We'll be where both thinking that you and Wanda can watch her first and then we will and a message to the next person like hide in seek. Like The next person you see first will be the second person to watch her." Peter said
"Okay then, we will be doing that then losers." MJ said
"Okay then white boi." Shuri
"Okay then let's do this." Nebula said
"I am Groot" Groot said

Time skip to then finding the 3 person

3rd POV

When the rest of the teens went to hiding the Easter eggs and putting them all over the place. Morgan was running with Shuri to find the 3 person in there list. They find Ned then after Shuri left to hide more than eggs like a little gift at the end of the hunt.
Ned and Morgan went to play a little bit until they both got board and then they went to find the others. Morgan already was with Wanda, Vision, she already found Groot, then Shuri, and now Ned. She only needs to find Peter, Nebula, MJ,and Harley. And she is have some trouble with finding them until she found, 2 others.

Morgan POV

"Hey mom have you seen-" I said until I saw
"Nebula, MJ! I been trying to find you guys we're have you been!!!
I can't find Petey or Harls I'm still trying to find them but I can't can you help me?"
"Sure baby Stark" both Nebula and MJ said.
"Okay lets go then" Morgan said holding their hands while skipping down the hall way  trying to find her big brothers.

Time skip to them heading out to the back yard we're everyone was at

"Hey Morgan did you find your brothers." Mom said
"Nope, I haven't yet? Do you know we're their at I can't find them any where in house."
"Well you can try, well let me give you a hint their both behind something green." Mom said
"Something green you say.... the BUSH."
Morgan begins to run to the bushes until she found her brothers crunching down so the won't be seen
Morgan starts to run behind then jumping on scaring them sayin I FOUND YOU so loud that you he others heard

Time skip them doing the hunt because I some how go so Directed of watching TickTock and for got to do this lets go now

3rd POV

Easter was fun Morgan and her brothers plus their friends had so much fun finding the eggs helping her plus the other kids that were their they had so much fun but at the same time when it was time for Morgan to go to bed both Peter and Harley when to put her down for her to go to sleep the last thing they said "we'll take of her Tony no matter what we'll make this the happiest childhood she will ever have we  will take care of her for you, because she will forever be our little sister no matter what we will love her until the beret end we love you 3000." Both Harley and Peter said falling asleep on each side of Morgan bed.

Peter Parker one-shotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora