Till Death Do Us Apart...

Start from the beginning

Eda's train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted by Mavi's voice. She closed the album and went to stand by the window, so she could see her family. Theo was sitting with Hector on his lap and his girlfriend Sara beside. Ayla was playing with Nebula and her daddy, Can, while Azul was relaxing in the setting sun on the warm grass. 

Mavi: Anne, dinner is ready. You should also come see what Ayla is up to.

Ayla was Mavi's almost two-year-old daughter. She has been the apple of everyone's eyes. Mavi fell pregnant before she got married but it never mattered or bothered Serkan and Eda. They believed if there is love, you can conquer the world. You can make anything work. Ayla is just like her mother but she's got traits of her grandmother already. Ayla loves to eat, especially what Eda eats. She's got all of Eda's quirks already. Eda has been spending most of the time with her, especially the past couple of years. Mavi married young; when she was 21-years-old because she wanted her father to be there for her special day. Serkan wanted to walk his daughter down the aisle while he was still around but he never pressured her or even discussed anything about it. When Mavi told Eda and Serkan about her decision to marry Can, Serkan realized that she was doing it for him. But as Mavi grew up, she became more, and more understanding like her mother. She understood Serkan just by looking at him. Serkan didn't have to tell her what he wanted but she understood that one of her father's last desires was to walk her down the aisle while he was still here.

When Serkan got his memory back in 2021, he also found his diagnosis of having a brain tumor, which he never told Eda about. He thought he could handle it all by himself until he was found lying unconscious in their bedroom a few days after their marriage. Her world came crashing down, her heart sank, her throat constricted. She couldn't breathe. Eda really thought she was finally having a chance at her fairytale but somehow fate decided to play a very cruel game. She felt like she was never meant for happiness in this world or maybe even hereafter.

Fortunately, it was a meningioma, a type of benign growth in the brain which was compressing around his visual and temporal lobes causing visual disturbances and dizziness. Serkan was able to have surgery and recover from it in 3 months. Eda was relieved to be able to hold her man in her arms again. She was on top of his medications and recovery. She never let him come to the office or even out of her sight for that matter of fact. She worked from home so that she was still able to take care of him at home. 

Be it a benign tumor, Serkan and Eda realized life is too short and you have to live for the moment with the ones you love with a lot of happiness. Serkan and Eda did a bucket list of adventures from going to Paris, having Eda's own garden, camping in the outdoors, shutting down the world for a few days and going on mini-vacations, and more. It was during this time that Eda fell pregnant with Mavi and Theo. She still reminisced the day like yesterday. Serkan's joy was unmatched when he found out she was pregnant. He was always so protective of her and when she fell pregnant, he didn't even let her move a finger. Even before Eda and Serkan got married, Serkan always talked about how he wants to have a family and lots of children. It fluttered her heart to think how far robot Bolat has come. The twins were born on the 19th of December, 2022.

After the birth of the twins, life was the busiest for the Bolats. It was a blessing more than they could count. The twins took up all the time and with rapidly expanding business, Serkan never really paid attention to himself. It was always about Eda, Mavi, and Theo. He never complained to her about anything. Their happiness overshadowed every single complaint in his life. When he came home to them, nothing else mattered. For Serkan, who never thought he was deserving of love or happiness in life, he counted his blessings every single minute.

However, life had other plans for the Bolats. About 5 years ago, when the twins were about to graduate high school class of 2040. Serkan and Eda planned a holiday and also to finally be able to surprise the twins with a library as a graduation gift. The library was carefully designed by Serkan Bolat himself and Eda Bolat did the landscaping. This was one of Serkan's dream. The vacation preparation was at full swing at the Bolats. While Eda took care of the location, itinerary, packing. Serkan was busy at the office putting all the projects in line, taking care of priority needs. He was so excited that he would spend his nights, sleepless trying to finish all the work on time so that they could go on a holiday. He was so occupied with work, that he forgot to take care of himself, ignored his sign of headaches, dizziness and attributed it to lack of sleep until he passed out in his office that night.

When Eda received a call from her office about Serkan being wheeled to ER, her heart dropped and she began having panic. Her claustrophobia, which Serkan helped overcome was beginning to set in again. Everything around her dimmed and her vision began becoming hazy. Theo and Mavi heard a loud thud. Eda was taken to the same hospital as Serkan's. While she waiting in the waiting room, the physician told the family about Serkan having stage III melanoma. Eda registered nothing but the doctor utter "Serkan's cancer has unfortunately metastasized to his the brain with a poor prognosis." Everything else around her faded.

It has been 2 years since his death. The void will never go away. The hole Serkan has left behind, can never be refilled. Eda didn't have much to live for. Eda doesn't recall much of the aftermath of the loss. She became numb to everything around her. She withdrew from work, business, and family affairs. She didn't see the point of going to and being in places without him. He was everywhere. Ayla was the most interactions that she had. It took her four weeks to fathom her loss and to even shed a tear and when she did, it didn't stop. Losing Serkan was the worst pain that she has experienced and no amount of words would describe it. Her mind never stopped thinking about him. And even when she tried to rationalize with life, that is when her pain, feeling of hollowness got worse. She couldn't breathe without him. Her heart never stopped aching. She felt hopeless, loveless, lifeless. She hoped to not wake up for so many weeks and months. She wished her heart would stop beating. She wanted the pain to stop, but it never did. She was just a husk of flesh walking around.

Eda watched her family out in the garden out in the setting evening sun. As much as it made her happy, she felt hollow. One of the quotes that she recalled from the Little Prince was, "You see, one loves the sunset when one is so sad." She couldn't even fake loving anything even if she tried. Instead of dinner, she wanted to lie down in bed. She crawled back into bed, just like every other evening, hoping she'd not wake up. The last thought that she has before she fell asleep was from the Little Prince, "It is such a mysterious place, the land of tears."

And the lords have finally heard her prayers. She went to bed and never woke up that evening

Death Certificate From the Health Department of the City of Istanbul

Name - Eda Yildiz Bolat

Date of Birth - 04/13/1997

Age - 48 years old

Date of Death - 09/14/2045

Time of Date - 20:03

Cause of Death - Takotsubo Syndrome (Broken-Heart Syndrome)

Timeline - EdSer married in 2021 and had the twin in 2022. Serkan found he has metastasized melanoma in 2040. Mavi married in 2043 and Serkan died later in 2043 after Mavi's wedding. Eda died in 2045.

A/N: And that is it for Till Death Do Us Apart. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as Sevgilim, I am home. I'd appreciate it if you guys could vote and leave a comment 😬 Thank you so much for all the love and kind words 🙏🏽 Working on another one-shot which is on the hot and happy side and should be up by the weekend 😉

PS: Proofread pending as always 😕

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