{1}- Campfire Songs

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{Author's Note} - (7/9/21 ish)

I'm very sad. Part of the last chapter was deleted so I just kinda wrapped it up early. And I accidentally unpublished it so that's also shit. Most of this was written previously.

Well anyway, hope you enjoy.

(3/5/22)Uhhhhhhhhh- I actually hate this chapter, but! I wanna get it out to y'all, feel appreciated lol  

Oh yeah! Thank @lunar_ultralite for this chapter, they were the one who remined me about this book, and they left a lovely comment that made me feel like updating, Appreciate them please 

Most of this was written in first person and then I went in and edited it all, it's a sadlife brozillionaires  ;-;

{Max's 3rd POV}

< Once again, curse warning. >

Max was standing by the camp sign with Neil and Nikki. David had told them that they were getting new campers, which meant the bus was coming and they had another chance to escape. Much like Neil and Nikki's first day. The blue-haired girl was hyperactive and looking around, practically scanning the area for prey or something. The Jewish boy was scribbling in a notebook, planning the trio's escape.

The kids saw the bus pull up and come to a stop. David ran out from God-knows-where right as the door opened. Quartermaster mumbled something like "New kids are here" and no one stepped out for a moment. They heard footsteps coming and the two strangest fucking kids Max's ever seen in his life stepped out of the bus.

They both looked about Max's age, and were really fucking scary, not that he would ever admit that, of course. One was slightly taller with wavy shoulder-length pink hair that had two braids starting from the sides, leading to the back. His face was littered with scars, and he had piercing red eyes that looked like they were staring through my soul. The other one was a blonde boy with one bright green eye that looked almost radioactive, and the other was practically pure white and had a scarred line through it that went from just above his eyebrow to his jaw. They looked like trouble.


The shorter one was being dragged along by the taller one and David smiled even wider for some reason. The tall brunette annoyance walked over to the pair and stuck out his hand. The taller one with the pink hair shook his hand and the blonde followed suit.

"Hi there! I'm David, your camp counselor here at the amazing Camp Campbell!" The overly enthusiastic man said. The pink-haired boy looked pissed off and the other one looked out of it.

"Halloo, I'm Technoblade, and this idiot is Dream." The newly dubbed 'Technoblade' said, his voice was monotone as hell and reverberated when he said "halloo". David looked kind of taken aback at the voice but got over it quickly and slapped that stupid fucking smile back on his stupid fucking face.

"Well welcome to our camp, you two!" The obnoxious man said, leading them over to the trio. Max looked up at him, confused. He grabbed the two by the shoulders and pushed the towards them, "You three give them a tour alright! I've got to go deal with Gwen..."

"Alright newbies, this is our turf. You either gotta join us or you'll have the worst goddamn summer of your life." Max told them, and it was true. Not like they were gonna bully them it's just that not having allies here was a bad idea. They seemed to realize that wasn't a threat and let themselves relax a little bit.

"Bruh fine, I guess we could use some allies..." Technoblade trailed off slightly. He was getting it, you needed allies to survive here. They were different from the rest of the kids, they both had powerful auras and seemed to know more than they let on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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