You slipped some socks and shoes on then checked yourself over in the mirror. Once satisfied you made your way down to the gym.

As you walked in you froze as the glass door shut behind you. There in the gym was Steve Rogers. You couldn't help letting your eyes drift up and down his body. He was wearing a tight gray Under Armour shirt and dark gray gym shorts. The way his muscles flexed as he raised and lowered the weights made you bite your lip. The slight sheen of sweat on his skin. The way he looked slightly flushed from the heat in the room. Then there was his ass. Yup. That was America's ass alright.

You realized you were probably being creepy just standing there staring so you cleared your throat announcing yourself.

"Hey there Rogers."

Steve glanced back and smiled. "Hey, feeling alright?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Water just went down the wrong way." You shrugged as you approached a bar at the far side of the room that was filled with energy drinks, water, and healthy snacks.

You picked out a Redbull, cracking it open, and took a few swigs before approaching a supply cart and began to wrap your hands in a roll of cotton black wrap. Might as well prep while you waited for Natasha.

"Care to go for a couple of rounds Rogers?" You asked looking up as he put the weights down and grabbed himself cold water from the bar.

He smirked and looked you over as he took a sip considering. You smiled and looked back to focus on your hands.

"Are you sure you can handle me, Stark?"

Thank God you weren't drinking anything now or it would have been an embarrassing repeat of earlier. You truthfully weren't that bad at flirting. I mean look at who practically raised you.

The one and only Tony Stark. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.

Something about Steve tended to shut that part of your brain down at times rendering you an awkward red cherry.

It was your turn to smirk as you looked up from your hands and freely let your eyes roam his body.

"Guess there's only one way to find out."

Were you imagining things or did you just make Steve blush and his breath hitch?

He set his drink down beside yours and made his way over to the large mats and positioned himself. He jerked his head beckoning you over. You felt your heartbeat pick up and stood in front of him.

You raised your hands in a defensive position as you both paced in a circle never taking your eyes off one another. He finally made the first move coming towards you but you were ready. As he came at you you lifted your knee and used it to push him back. He stumbled back and before he could react you sent a jab into his lower abdomen. You heard him let out an oomph which caused you to laugh but that immediately dropped when you saw a renewed look of determination in his eyes. Your adrenaline began rushing through you when he came back at you with full focus. You blocked hit after hit until you finally got an open opportunity to dodge under his arm. As you dodged under his arm and rounded on him you kicked the back of his knee causing him to go down. As he landed on his knee you jumped on him wrapping your legs around his abdomen and your arms circled his neck putting him into a hold locking your arms. The two of you fell back and as your back collided with the mat you did your best to keep a hold on him. In all honesty, he was probably holding back for your sake.

"Tap out Captain." You couldn't help but let the jubilation seep into your voice as you felt him tap your arm. You let him go and let your arms fall to your sides.

"Gotta hand it to you Stark, you're pretty good." You chuckled breathlessly and looked down. He was still lying in the same position on top of you between your legs looking up at the ceiling. You reached down and ruffled his soft blonde hair.

"Thanks to Natasha. She would never allow me to be anything other than good." You slipped out from under him and got to your feet. Just as you were about to walk away you felt a rough hand grab your ankle. Before you could register what was happening you were already back on the mat and Steve was on top of you straddling your hips. Your arms pinned above your head and he looked down at you with a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes. His face was so close to yours you could feel his hot minty breath against your lips.

"Steve...?" Your voice cracked as his face came even closer almost testing you. Your eyes traveled from his sky blue eyes down to his nose to his smooth jawline and then finally his lips. Your breathing started to pick up and you were about to lean the rest of the way up when suddenly the door to the gym opened.

"Huh. Guess I'm not needed today." Neither of you moved but turned to look to see Nat standing there with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed against her chest. You narrowed your eyes at her realizing she was wearing her favorite navy blue silk pajamas. Sneaky bitch planned this. God did you love her.

A Man Out Of Time (Steve Rogers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now