Iron In My Veins

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I grabbed the sword in my hand, pain lancing across my palm instantly, as the laugh in his smile and the insanity in his eyes froze.

No, time froze.

"Estelle!" Shun called, grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me away from the madman.

I let go of the sword and stared at my hands. My hands shook badly, and there was red blood spilling on the floor, reeking of iron. There was no ichor in my veins.

"Shun," I whispered, staring at my hands in terror. "I'm human." I'm mortal. After two thousand years, I will join humans in their concept of mortality and death.

The door burst open, as a group of angels ran in, swords raised, led by Darian.

"A human?" he said, his eyes on Ace.

"No two humans," said another voice, his eyes on me and my bleeding hand. The temperature in the room dropped as Darian looked at me. I pulled off my mask.

"Estriel," Darian's voice barely concealed surprise.

"Hello, my Lord."

I stood up, the blood falling on my ruined dress. My years as a warrior, strategist, and medic took over. "Someone, take Seraphina to the medical room now," I said, glancing to her. Seraphina was breathing heavily, in very obvious pain. "She can still be saved."

I then looked over to Ace. "And someone tie him up. He's supposed to have died two thousand years ago."

"You heard her. Go." Darian said. He turned his eyes to me, "Estriel."

I moved my cold eyes to him, "We need to talk, don't we?"

Darian nodded and I sighed. I saw this coming from a mile away. Shun placed a hand on my shoulder, as Hanael walked up to me. He placed a hand on my own bleeding one, and I watched as it closed. Hanael winked.

"Benefits of being a healer. Although, Seraphina will need some more intense treatment," he said, looking at her with pity as she was carried away.

Sabriel tied up Ace, a mischievous smile on his face. I gave Sabriel a withering look. Shun snapped his fingers and time moved once more.

Ace, having no idea what had happened in the last five minutes, stared around in sheer horror at the angels who had popped out of thin air.

"Take him away," said Darian, who then looked at me, "Come with me. You as well, Demon King," he added looking to Shun.

"I didn't know you two were acquainted," I whispered to Shun as we followed Darian to a room.

"We've met. Around 20 minutes ago."

Darian must've realized he had party crashers.

"So, would you like to explain?" Darian asked, as Shun leaned against the wall. Habit forcing me, I knelt on one knee, and told him everything. The letters, and everything Ace had said about murdering the angels and immortality.

There was a small silence after I finished.

"I'm sorry."

I raised an eyebrow. "The king apologizing to his servants is unheard of," I said, with a gentle mocking tone, the one I used when we used to banter.

"We convicted you of murder, and stripped you of your immortality."

"Can't you give that back?" Shun asked, more curious than angry.

Darian shook his head. "I wish. But immortality can only be taken away and not given, unless it is acquired through black magic."

I shivered. I would never murder the angels. That was blasphemy at its highest.

"That's why, I'm sorry. I have not been a very good king to you."

I shook my head and then thought for a second. "Could I ask you for a favor then?"


"I want no charges pressed against me and Shun for crashing your celebration, a safe way home, and also, I want to know when Sera recovers," I said, ticking them off one by one on my fingers.

"Done." He didn't even hesitate. "I think... would you also like to visit Nakir's grave?"

I nodded, my eyes down. Hanael walked in, and we followed him out.

"You did well."

"We do what has to be done."

Hanael led me to the garden, where Nakir was buried. "I'm glad he had someone to hold him as he died. Most angels who fall in battle don't." Hanael left us to the grave as I took a closer look.

Here lies Nakir, angel of heaven, general of the Senra War, Estriel's beloved brother.

This was what had hurt the most—they had convicted me of murdering my own family.

Shun walked up to me, and handed flowers to me, which I placed on his grave. When I asked him where he found the flowers, he just gave me his mysterious smile and didn't answer.

Darian let us go, and we headed down the city, following Sanvi. I heard murmured apologies; apologies for assuming, apologies for calling me the villainess.

We followed Sanvi down the streets to a lake, and Shun took my hand as we walked upon the water.

"Farewell, Estriel."

"May you be in good health, Sanvi."

With a flash of light, we were on our own sea. We walked down to the railings and hopped back onto land.

"Wait, little angel," said Shun, looking over the railings.

"What is it?"

"Sunrise," Shun said, nodding to the horizon.

We watched as the sun rose on another day, bathing the sky in colors of red, orange and purple.

"I'd like to apologize," I said.

"For what?"

"For dragging you to the Celestial realm, and I'm pretty sure you have an early morning. You didn't sleep at all, and we all know how much you love your sleep."

He smiled, and looked at me.

"An angel apologizing to a demon is unheard of."

"Oh? But I am a human, with stardust in my bones, and iron in my veins," I smiled.


I had fun with this too.
Okay, I need to sleep.

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