I remember

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'Bucky Barnes' I kept saying his name over and over again in my head, why does that name sound so familiar. Like I've heard it before. "James Buchanan Barnes" I said, I ran into my room I put my plate, phone and headphones down and rushed to open my laptop I put my password in it and went to open my notes, I would write them down if I had flashbacks or nightmares about Hydra "come on, come on, where is it" I said as I scrolled down my notes to find the one nightmare I had "found it" I said as I started to read it.



I woke up to someone screaming it sounded so painful I put my hands over my ears.

"kleines Mädchen" one of the guards said and he opened my cell door. (little girl) I uncovered my ear and stood from my bed and made my way to the man. I followed the man to a room with a man seated in a chair, the man looked scared he has a metal arm with a red star on it.

"Stellen Sie sicher, dass er keine Erinnerungen mehr an seine Freunde und Familie hat" the doctor said as the guard pushed me closer to the man. (make sure he has no memories left of his friends and family) I walked up to the man that was locked down in the chair "was, wenn ich ihn verletzt". (what if I hurt him) I said to the doctor "Du wirst nicht und lügst nicht, du weißt, was passieren wird, wenn du lügst" he said. (you won't and don't lie you know what will happen if you lie) "okay" I said as I nodded I put my hand on the mans head and looked into his mind 'James' someone said in his mind 'yes Steve' he said I'm guessing he was talking to his friend. (okay)

"Er hat eine Erinnerung an seinen Freund Steve" I said, the doctor nodded at me the looked at the guard I'm guessing he told me to take me back to my cell because the guard guided me back to my cell as I left the room the scream returned I quickly ran back into my cell and on my bed where I put my hand over my again the guard locked the door and walked away. (he has a memory left about his friend Steve).

End of flashback

I just realised who he was he was the Winter Soldier. I jumped up off my chair and ran back to the kitchen to find my dad.

Bucky's P.O.V

After Y/N walked out the kitchen all eyes turned on me. "so you wouldn't about this would you Bucky" Tony said "she looked familiar but I didn't know where from" I said "Buck did you see her in Hydra" Steve said "I think so" I said "because she could read people mind they sent her in to look through my mind to see if I had any memories left" I said "god that poor girl she would have been 6 or 7" Natasha said "she was 8" Tony said "she told me that if she would have a memory or a nightmare she would write it on her laptop that's the only way I would be about to say if she really remembered you" Tony said.

we had our back turned to the door of the kitchen so we didn't see Y/N walk in. "kleiner Krieger" we heard we all turned and there she was in the door way of the kitchen "that's what you would call me... well not you but the Winter Soldier did" she said panting "did you run" Tony said "yeah I did" she said as she walked into the kitchen making eye contact with me "I remember you" she said. "Little warrior" I said as she hoped on the kitchen counter "yeah" she said nodding and smiling at me.

Chapter 2 what did you think, feel free to give me more ideas. So glad that I can speak German also I apologise if I make mistakes English is my 2 language.

Y/N Stark-Bucky BarnesxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now