"We've been doing bloodwork every day for three days," A woman said. "She's not even dehydrated. There's no reason she shouldn't be awake and yet she's not."

"Tony's been working on trying to figure out how she got down there," The man said. "According to Hill's intel she's not one of Hydra's enhanced."

I winced. I couldn't help it. Tony? Hydra? This couldn't be happening.

"I saw that," The man said. "Are you awake?"

I opened my eyes and saw Steve "Captain America" Rogers standing just a few feet away.

"Yeah," I said, my voice coming out groggy. I vaguely remembered hearing a myth about talking in dreams and being doomed to never wake up again.

"I'm Steve," Steve said. "What's your name?"

"I know who you are," I said. "My name's Mavis. Mavis Juarez." If that myth was true, I was well and truly doomed now.

"Well, Mavis, how are you feeling?" Steve asked. The concern in his eyes was comforting, but not enough to make me feel better.

I didn't answer his question. I wanted to go close my eyes and pretend like none of this was happening. Maybe I'd gotten jumped by a cat in the alley and it knocked me down so hard I hit my head and blacked out. That was reasonable, right? That could happen, right?

"Captain Rogers," The woman said. She was young Asian woman in a simple white lab coat. "I should really run some tests now that she's awake. Feel free to alert Agent Hill she can begin her questioning when I'm done."

Steve looked at me, then to the woman, then back to me before nodding and leaving the room. The mechanized door made a soft whooshing sound as it closed behind him.

"That should buy you a few minutes," The woman said, turning to me. "My name is Dr. Cho."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Cho," I said.

"Can you sit up?" She asked.

I must have moved too fast because I got dizzy just as I was about to toss my legs over the side of the bed. I laid back down and closed my eyes, hoping it would make the room stop spinning, but it only made my vertigo worse. I'd never been on a boat before, but I imagined that was what seasickness felt like.

"Take it easy," Dr. Cho siad. "Be gentle with yourself."

"Was I really out for three days?" I asked.

"Yes," Dr. Cho said. "I've never seen anything like it. How much of my conversation with Captain Rogers did you hear?"

"That I'm not dehydrated or starving," I said. My stomach rumbled. "I'm not sure about that second one though."

Dr. Cho laughed. "You're not wrong. I didn't need to insert an IV or intubate you to get food into you. You just... existed, I suppose is the best way to explain it. It was incredible."

I opened my eyes. "Not for me it wasn't."

I tried to sit up again, this time more slowly. My muscles screamed in protest, but I ignored them. I suddenly really hated being in that stupid bed. I wanted to stand up. I wanted to run away, and scream, and cry, all at the same time.

If you want to go home, you have to stay here, a little voice whispered in the back of my mind.

The voice was right. My best chance of getting home was sticking as close to... the Avengers as possible.

My stomach twisted. Even just thinking the word felt like an admission that this was really happening.

"Don't stand up yet," Dr. Cho said. She came around the bed and pulled up a chair.

For the next few minutes Dr. Cho checked my reflexes, my blood pressure, and my heartbeat. She asked me a few questions about how I was feeling and if I felt like I could stand on my own. The last thing she did was take some blood.

"Okay," Dr. Cho said when she was done. "I don't think I can feasibly keep you here any longer. The bloodwork will be done in a couple of hours, though I don't expect the results to be any different than before. And there's no need for a CAT scan or MRI as you didn't hit your head at any point. Besides, Captain Rogers should be back any minutes with Agent Hill."

Speak of the devil, the door whooshed open and Steve stepped through, but this time, he had company.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget, I'm working on editing this entire fic. Tell me how you like the changes! If you, for some reason, haven't read any of the previous chapters to see the updates, I would encourage you to do so!

Thank you! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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