Chapter Seven

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*JUST FOR THE RECORD* This chapter is hella short. Just realized... But I'm okay with that if you are! I've rarely ever written a chapter like this before (Wink, wink, nudge) so let me know what you think! Not too graphic, but you gotta start somewhere right? Prepare for their arrival back in Cali! Coming as soon as possible!! Keep reading, shoot me some comments, vote that ish, and know that I'm very grateful for you! :) I wouldn't write if you wouldn't read.

Thanks much!

Bearcat :3


By noon, I was wide awake and starving. When I sat up, Wesley pulled his arm back to his side, tucking it comfortably under one hip and nuzzling his face into the pillow. Not wanting any alone time with "Uncle Nic" for obvious reasons, I took a lap around the room admiring everything from the portraits on the walls--yes, he was right about my fascination with photography--to the cleanliness of each red oak surface. I stopped in front of a large set of curtained french doors and tapped my chin thoughtfully. Peeling one of the thick burgundy shades back, I gaped at what seemed to be an oasis in the back yard. With its built-in grotto behind a steady waterfall, the pool spread out across the entirety of the smooth concrete with a beach entry to seal the deal.

Careful not to stir anything, I opened one of the doors and stepped outside, feeling the dusty air begin to settle into my lungs immediately. There I stood, sporting a tank top and denim shorts, in the back yard of Nicolas Cage. I glanced at the large windows all around me, hoping that I wasn't being watched. When I was certain that I was alone, I tip toed across the warm stone slabs until my toes met the water. A slow, calming inhale brought the smell of salt water into my nose making me miss LA that much more.

The thought of opening my windows to the familiar city noise thrilled me. Standing there in the shallow pool water, I closed my eyes and pretended I was at the beach. The sound of the waterfall painted the picture of gently flowing waves lapping at my ankles. I heard kids squeal with delight as the cold water crashed into their backs and dogs barked chasing frisbees. It was my heaven and I couldn't wait to return.

Somehow, my daydream took on a mind of its own, fabricating a grinning Wesley who picked me up by the waist and spun me a few times. When his arms got tired, he set me down and plopped down in the sand, letting the water travel up his legs and into the palms of his resting hands. I sat down beside him, gazing into the bright blue that extended farther than either of us could see. He was staring at me, Dream-Wes was, and I pretended not to notice. Instead, I leaned my head against his shoulder, breathing in the salt, the sunscreen, and the fresh air that I was dying for.


I turned around, finding myself back in Arizona where Wesley was leaning against the door frame trying to pocket his phone as fast as he could. "That was not how I wanted that to go down..."

He quickly joined me to move the topic along and put his hands on his hips, staring out at the great nothingness that surrounded the property. I joined him, an amused smirk not even trying to hide itself. He stood close enough for me to hook my arms around one of his and there we stood, leaning against each other just like we'd done in my daydream. Neither of us made moves to carry on with our day until my stomach growled loud enough for him to hear.

"Uncle Nic went to Vegas for work so we basically have his house and his fridge to ourselves." he explained.

"No," I barked, shaking off my strange emotions. "We need to get back on the road!"

"We need to do no such thing!" he grabbed my upper arm and guided me into the den from the back patio. "Home is, like, five hours away. I'm not quite..."

3000 Miles (A Wesley Stromberg/Emblem3 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now