Chapter 2

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As I finally exit the dark kingdom I had lived in for my entire life, I was suddenly blinded by green and light blue.

Greenpath was the brightest place in hallownest due to the plant life, but I didn't expect that the outside world would have even more brightness...there isn't acid, right?

As I continue to walk around the seemingly endless field, I saw a tall, brown thing with a bush on top. What are these? I do not recall something like this every being in hallownest? Well, it is the outside world so something new like this...thing is obvious.

They do not seem to be like those plants back in greenpath, leaving me being able to walk near them and not be attacked. It surprises me how little danger there actually is here.

As I walk and walk, I finally notice the first beings I encounter in the outside world.

Their bodies seem to be the same substance as void, but not quite the same as well. They also have masks with red eyes. They took a shape of a four legged bug? No, they can't be bugs. It seemed to have noticed me, I hold my needle tightly, waiting for it to make a move. It walks towards me. Still holding my needle, I glare at it intensely, trying to determine if it is hostile or not.

To my surprise, it runs itself on my cloak. Deciding it is not a threat, I sit down and pet it's head. It seems to purr, the noise attracts more of them, seemingly wanting to join in too. I sigh as I knew that this would have been humiliating if anyone from hallownest saw me.

I gave in as I start to pet all of them, also revealing my other limbs as I am a spider.

After a few minutes, they seem to have enough and stand up. They seem to want me to follow them.

If this was a trap, I could always get out of it, so I decided to follow them, not caring if it was a trap.

They lead me in some sort of nest, Inside were more of these creatures, along with similar creatures that take on different shapes. The biggest one, was a bird. I recognize it's shape due to a similar being in hallownest. There was also a scorpion. Although it was alot bigger than those in hallownest.

The beings allow me to stay here. They do not talk, but they have consciousnesses.

I decided to stay in a decent spot in the nest, although it is not the best, atleast the bed's are comfy.

'oh, I almost forgot something'

I take out the charm that Grimm had given me. Oh, there is actually a flame here. Well, atleast coming here was not for nothing.

I stand up from the comfy leaf bed. And start moving towards where the flame was. It was...surprisingly empty, did they go out to hunt or something?

Oh well, I'll just grab the flame and go back to sleep.

The flame was unguarded, making it easier for the uh, kin to absorb it.

After all was done, I went back to the little space I was resting in and went to sleep, of course I didn't forget to unequip the child.



"So, there has been sightings of a new species of Grimm in the forest, the town's folk have said that this Grimm seems to have intelligence, should we investigate more about this Grimm Ozpin?"

A woman, looking at the notes in her hands, is currently informing Ozpin, or better know as the person who runs Beacon, about a new Grimm that had showed up seemingly out of nowhere.

"Perhaps, do not kill it, as it might attract more of them. Only investigate it's backround and it's weaknesses."

The man named Ozpin said.


With that, the woman left the room.



'Well, that was a pretty decent sleep I haven't gotten for a long time.'

I thought to myself while getting up.

'Well, I would stay here, but I don't want to get attached to this place like hallownest. It took alot of courage to leave my long time home, after all.'

Really, getting out was no problem at all. I just stood up and walked away, I of course did not forgot to bid my farewells as it is rude to not thank someone for doing a favor.

As I continue my travels, (while also seeing the flame's location's from time to time and eating some fruits.) Hornet found a town.

It seemed to not be abandoned, she got excited at the thought of meeting several more life forms.

Yeah, my first impression on these things weren't so well in the beginning.

Apparently, when I entered, the things there look scared of me, why? There is almost nothing that could make me look like a threat, and I am currently hiding my needle.

"Who let a grimm here...?"

"Who cares! I won't even dare to move, that Grimm might kill me!"

Grimm? Is Grimm some murderer here or something? No, that isn't right. 'Grimm' seemed to refer to a species. I'm currently assuming that I look similar to this...Grimm.

As I explore this town, there are even more frightful looks. Are these 'grimm' really that dangerous?

I stop at my tracks when a see a particularly interesting shop.

From dust till dawn

(Sorry I didn't spell that correctly)

I enter the store to see a old man, when I entered, he seemed afraid, and looked down trying to ignore eye contact.

"Hello, It is very rude to ignore one of your customers you know?"

He seemed shocked, and looked at me.

"A grimm who can talk? Well, I presume since you haven't attacked me yet, you seem to be an intelligent type of Grimm that attacks everything it sees besides itself."

Ah, that's why people are afraid of these things, they are mindless creatures that only know how to kill. It's similar to the infection but it doesn't seem like it at all.

"Anyways, I would like to gain more knowledge about the history of, mind if I look at some stuff?"

"Why yes, of course. Just please don't make trouble."

"Got it"

He points to the back where the things called 'books' are.

I've heard of these things from my mother and 'father'. They were things that stored information and history. To think the outside world would have so many just at one spot for free.

I pick up a book titled 'the history of Remnant' (again, sorry if I got it wrong because I haven't watch RWBY in a while.)

Woah this thing is heavy, I might just be here for a while.


Finally, the second chapter is out. I actually made it to 1k words which is pretty pog.

Sorry if stuff doesn't make sense here, as I said before, I haven't watched RWBY for a while.

Anyways, thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter...or another story I guess.

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