Colin & Penelope

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"I want it to be you and I forever"

Colin knew exactly how he was going to ask Penelope to marry him. He has already asked Mrs Featherington's permission and she had given it. Colin took Penelope's hand and guided her to the dance floor. He held her close as they slow danced, their friends and family were there  looking happy and content, nothing seemed amiss, especially to Penelope. She had no idea what was going to happen and that this day was going to change her life for the better.

He couldn't stop looking into her eyes. He loved her with everything he ever was and everything he will ever be.  He knew the proposal had to be special as she was the best person he had.

The room was well lit, full of joy and happiness and that's when he realised he had to do it at that moment. He was hoping to do it when they were together privately but now seemed the perfect opportunity. He let go of her hands and got down on one knee. Penelope looked at him confused, this wasn't the classic way you asked someone to marry you. He took her hand "Penelope, I worship the ground you walk on. I love you with every fibre of my being. I want it to be you and I forever. I love you, will you do me the honour of being my wife" 

Penelope looked at him, tears in her eyes, mouth agasp. This was the last thing she expected. She couldn't get any words out despite her trying her best. She nodded ferociously, tears ran down her face as he slipped the ring on her finger. He kissed her with need and want. She didn't realise that her friends and family were cheering and celebrating the newly engaged couple. All her focus was on the ring and Colin. He held her close and kissed her.

"I love you" Penelope whispered

"I love you too" Colin whispered back

Colin grabbed two champagne glasses, one for him and one for Penelope. "A toast to my wonderful and beautiful fiancé Penelope". Everyone raised their glasses in the air to celebrate the happy couple. Colin kissed her on her forehead.  Penelope was elated, she was engaged to the man she had been in love with for years. She was officially to become a Bridgerton.

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