Chapter 38

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For a second I thought I was hearing things, or having a nightmare. But I wasn't. This is really happening. How the hell does he know? I slowly turned around to face him. "How did you find out?" I whispered. "Tonight at the Radio Times Covers I was in the bathroom and I overheard Tom talking to Casey about it." He said. I sat there for a second just thinking of what to say next. "I...I wanted to tell you, but Tom told me not to." I defended. I would rather throw Tom under the bus than lose James again. "I know." He placed a hand on my cheek. "Tom was yelling at Casey about how stupid that was and how bad you wanted to tell me." James went on. "That story you and Casey were arguing about while we were getting ready, that was about you guys wasn't it?" He asked. I nodded my head and took a deep breath to try and keep the tears away. "I'm so sorry James. I know you're mad and hurt and disappointed but I didn't know what I was doing. And Casey...he didn't mean to. It was all just one big mistake that never should have happened." I said. "Hey, shh." He put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him. "I'm not mad at either one of you. Yes it hurts, but I don't blame you. You were drunk and Casey has always wanted to have sex with you." He chuckled bitterly. "I'm so confused. How are you not yelling and threatening to kill Casey and calling me names?" This was not the reaction I was expecting. "Because I've made enough drunk mistakes to know not to hold them against people." He smiled. "Well you reacted a lot better than Caden, that's for sure." I sighed. "He's your little brother though, he's supposed to be pissed." He laughed. "You're amazing you know that?" I whispered. "Yes, I do actually. But to be fair, I wouldn't be so passive had I not heard the conversation between Casey and Tom." He admitted. "I understand. Thank you for not freaking out and hating me." I whispered. "Oh please, I could never hate you." He said in his normal lighthearted voice. "I love you." I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "I love you too." He replied, and then with his free hand, he pulled me close to his chest and we both fell asleep.


Today is going to be a long and busy day. The boys and I have to be at Brit Row Studios at 7am to record some more stuff, then we have a couple hours of vocal and choreography rehearsals for our upcoming shows, and then we have a performance at Showcase Live at 5pm. When the boys and I were getting ready, I could sense a little tension between James and Casey. Maybe Tom too, but definitely more towards Casey. I decided to let it go because James said he was ok and I don't think he'd try anything with Casey anyway. When we got to the studio, the first thing we worked on was our cover of 'Fix You' by Coldplay, since that's what we're performing tonight. Then we also recorded one of our originals called 'The One That Got Away.' After recording those two songs, our time was up and now we had to go to vocals/ choreography. It was held in the same building as always, and we started off with 'Roar', then 'Everybody', and lastly, 'Run.' Vocals sounded good, and the choreography was tight. We've performed these songs so many times by now, we could do it in our sleep. At around 3pm, we were all headed back to Tom's apartment to chill before Showcase Live tonight. We have to be there ready to perform by 4:30pm, so we have to leave here at 4pm if we want to make it on time. We spent the hour of downtime listening to music, practicing 'Fix You', and scrolling through Twitter. By the time 4pm rolled around, we were all excited and nervous at the same time. Showcase Live is sort of a big deal for us. We all, including Caden, squeezed into the van and began the drive. When we got inside and seen the staging, lights, and cameras, all the nerves drifted away and were replaced by pure excitement. "Alright boys, and girl, go ahead and take a seat over there and we'll pass out your mics in just a second." The crew member pointed to where we were supposed to sit and all nine of us did as we were told. I ended up sitting on the end next to Chris. The order went Charlie, Barclay, Reece, Casey, James, Tom, Jake, Chris, then me. About a minute later a guy walked around with a bucket full of microphones and we all grabbed one. "Go ahead and turn them on and see if they work." The crew member said. We clicked them on and we all one by one spoke into our mics. "Sound good?" He asked and we all nodded our heads yes. "Alright. Then lets get this show on the road. Deep breaths, and we're live in three, two, one." The man stopped talking, and Tom and Reece began playing their guitars.



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