Chapter 1

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-Harry's POV-
I look up at the full moon, it's gorgeous it reminds me of her. Sam. I miss her, I wonder how she's doing. Quickly without thinking I grab my phone to check the time, 9:45pm. It's not too late yet, I wonder what the night holds in store for me. I suddenly hear my phones ringtone; act my age, that's Celia's ringtone. I grab my phone quickly sliding the answer button.
"What's up, Celia?"
"We are having this huge party tomorrow at Lou's and I was wondering if you wanted to go?"
"Oh.. Uhm.."
I just remembered I have a date with Sam tomorrow, I can't miss it for the world.
"I can't. I have to be somewhere sorry," I say feeling guilty for keeping Sam away from them.
"That's fine! Have fun," she says before she quickly hangs up.
Celia is Louis's sister, she's pretty chill. Back to my date with Sam tomorrow, what should I wear? Ugh I sound like a loser, no I sound like a girl.

I look out at the beautiful sky one last time before I go inside. I love the night time, so peaceful. I quickly jog up the stairs to my apartment, Apartment 224. I unlock the door, and walk in. I set my jacket on the couch by the door and run into my room. I leap onto the bed and lay down, It's been a long day. Sam! I need to talk to Sam. I reach for my phone that's in my pocket and carefully take it out. I just got this phone and I don't want to reck it. I unlock the phone and text Sam. "hey, beautiful," I wonder if that's too weird. Whatever. I lay waiting patiently for her to respond. I feel tired, and soon I drift off to sleep.

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