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You wake up on the first day of junior year
You hated school nobody liked you other than ur 2 friends everyone hated you because of what happened in 5th grade (ik mature right)
Anyways you get in the shower and get out
You wanted a change over the summer you dyed you're hair and lost a lot of weight like 70 lbs you were really happy rn and you didnt want school to be horrible so you are trying you're best to stay positive
You put this on

You wake up on the first day of junior year You hated school nobody liked you other than ur 2 friends everyone hated you because of what happened in 5th grade (ik mature right)Anyways you get in the shower and get out You wanted a change over the ...

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You go downstairs
M(mom)- look at my baby girl all grown up have a good day at school love you
S(savannah/you)- I will mom love you

You walked out the door and got in your car
You drove to avani and picked her up
She got in the car
A- omg you look amazing I live your hair
S- thank you I wanted a change
You went to charlis
C- omg sav you look like a model
S- thanks
C- you look so happy and healthy I missed you
S- I missed you too!

I drove us to school
You walk in the school and walk to ur locker
C- everyone is staring at you girly
S- uhh wh- why
You have severe social anxiety
A- cause you're hot
I just look down
S- I dont know how to feel about this
A- be proud to be happy
We walk to class me and the girls sit beside each other it was like
Charli    Sav      Avani
T(teacher)- today we have a new student
?- hi I'm nessa but my friends call me ness
Ev- hi nessa
T- you can sit by Savannah avani sit beside charli
N- hi
S- hi ness by the way my name is savannah but you can call me sav
N- ok
Class ended

Skip to lunch

Me and the girls sat at an empty table
C- aw nessa is sitting hy herself
A- oh
S- shes really pretty
C- I'm gonna invite her over
S- ok
Charli brings her over and they both sit down
S- hey ness
N- hey
S- are you ok
N- yea I'm just quiet
S- oh same
A- wanna go shopping with me charli and savannah today after school
N- sure

Skip to the mall

We go to the mall and go to some stores
S- so nessa see any boys you like
N- um there's a guy in my calculus class
S- what's his name
N- I think josh
A- oh honey
N- what
C- hes a tiktoker so are me and avani but sav isnt do you have tiktok
N- yea
C- what ur @
N- nessabarret
C/a- I followed you
C- you have 15 million?
N- yea, but you guys have 100 and 20 million
S- it's weird how you both are famous but haven't heard of each other
C- yea weird

After mall in the car

S- so do you guys wanna stay the night at my house
N- am I allowed too?
S- ofc my mom doesn't mind, I'll stop at you're guys house so you can get clothes and stuff

At home
We walk in
S- mom I'm home! charli and avani are here and I want you to meet someone
My mom came down the stairs
M- hey girls hey um
S- mom this is nessa but we call her ness, ness this is my mom
M- hi ness
N- hi
M- I'll order pizza for you girls
S- thank you mom
We go upstairs
S- so what's the gossip
A- me and Anthony are dating
S- omg this is like huge
C- I dont have any news lol
S- oh ok well that was fun
We all laugh
A- can we just talk about you're Glow up sav
S- um
N- Glow up?
C- yea she lost like 70lbs and she had brown hair but shes beautiful both ways
N- you are really pretty
S- I dont know if I like this
A- wdym
S- the attention you know how bad my anxiety is and now everyone looks at me and it's weird
C- aw I'm sorry baby
S- guess it's something I'll just have to get used to

We all watch a movie and go to bed

The next day

We all wake up and get dressed I wear this

We all wake up and get dressed I wear this

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We leave and go to school

S- nessa has anyone told you how pretty you are
N- um no
A- what! you are model material
N- thank you guys
S- btw I totally saw Josh looking at you
N- what no way
S- yep
Nessa blushes
A- aww shes blushing
We go to class

Skip to lunch

We all sit down at our table and we are talking

Jadens pov

Jo(josh)- yo bro we should all do dares for the beginning of the year
B(bryce)- I'm down
Ja(jaden)- ok
B- ok josh you have to tell me who you like
Jo- uh no
B- well I already know who it is
Jo- how bro
B- I got my ways dude
Jo- you can guess then I'll tell you of ur right
B- the new girl
Jo- what?
B- you know who ness or nessa that girl
Jo- uh no I dont
B- yes you do
Jo- no
B- yes
Jo- fine
B- knew it
Jo- ok jaden I have ur dare
Ja- what is it
Jo- you have to date who ever I pick until the new years dance and make her fall in love w you
Ja- what? Who?
Josh scans the cafeteria
His eyes land on a girl behind us
Jo- her
He points to a girl with blonde hair
Ja- uh isnt that the girl that people dont like
Jo- yup I heard she smells like fish
Ja- ugh why her
Jo- cause that who I picked
Ja- fine
Jo- you have to ask her out now
Ja- now!? What's even her name?
B- savannah
Jo- now
I walk over to her
And tap on her shoulder
She turns around her eyes were blue and she had long blonde hair
She looked at me shocked
J- hey savannah can I talk to you for a second
She looked at the people beside her and stood up
We walked over to another table
J- hey
S- hey?
J- um sorry I know you probably know me for being hot
She rolled her eyes
J- anyways I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime
S- um uh
J- like on a date
S- a date I've never been on a date
J- you've never been on a date?!
S- no
She said shyly and looked down
J- see you after school
S- what
J- I'm taking you on a date dummy
S- o-ok

Hope you guys ENJOYED this CHAPTER lol

Back to savs pov

Me and the girls are chatting
C- sav dont look behind you sway boys coming at us
S- what

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