"Well George, I'd say we are officially a couple." You squeezed his hand and returned to your group of friends. You needed a moment to catch your breath. The kiss was so unexpected and you didn't want to admit it, but it swept you off your feet. Were you in too deep with this plan of yours? At this point, did you even want Roger back? Your mind was spinning and you didn't really want to field all the questions from Cho and Marietta. You impulsively made the decision to just leave and return to the common room, where the only people there would be some young Gryffindors who wouldn't bother you. You grabbed a book from your bedroom and curled up by the fire, trying to distract yourself from the current situation at hand.

"Had enough of the party?" A voice called to you. You looked up, half expecting to see George but it was his twin brother standing in the doorway.

"Uh, yeah. I don't know I just had a lot on my mind and I wanted to sit and think away from everyone."

"Mmm," he responded, merely nodding his head. "I thought you'd be with George."

"I could say the same for you. But evidently he's escaped both of us." You thought that would be the end of your conversation since Fred had been so short with you lately, but he surprised you by sitting next to you on the couch.

"What are you doing, Y/N?" he asked you..

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. What's your angle here?"

"My angle? Look Fred, I don't know why you've been so cold to me recently. We've known each other forever and I don't get this."

"We've been friends for ages, but the minute you hurt George we won't be. He's not like Roger, he won't move on so easily. He's better than a rebound."

"I know that. He's probably my oldest friend and I'm not willing to lose him over something stupid."

"You don't get it, do you? You're taking advantage of him just because he's giving you attention. He deserves better than that." And with that, he stood up and walked away. You were a little taken aback. Fred had been icy toward you, but you never imagined he would confront you with such spite. You knew he was just being protective but it still hurt. You thought you were friends and the fact that he didn't trust you with George hurt a little. It was hard knowing you couldn't please Fred, and you doubted George would ever date someone who Fred didn't approve of. At that moment, you considered letting Fred in on the plan, but you weren't sure that would do any good.

You felt utterly confused. Your heart was telling you one thing while your head was in complete disagreement.


George saw you make a quick exit and he knew he had messed up. He acted on impulse instead of thinking through the situation and now things were different. You may have said things were okay, but actions speak louder than words. The worst part was he didn't even know what he should say to you. Instinctually, he wanted to follow you back to the common room where you were likely lounging. But he hadn't the faintest idea of what he could say to remedy the situation. The worst part was everyone was now gossiping about you and approaching him for details. After one too many brush offs, he decided to leave and go for a walk to the astronomy tower. This was his spot to think and get away from everything and he knew he would be alone there.

He was confused on multiple levels. After kissing you, he was rendered speechless. The spark was everything he imagined it would be, but he wasn't sure that feeling went both ways. You seemed so calm after everything, almost like it didn't phase you at all. He felt stupid for thinking you might actually have feelings for him.

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