"Well...alright. Go wash up for dinner," she said.

Fred approached the two of us, "That was brilliant. Couldn't have done it better myself," he said, giving you both high fives.

Dinner was full of laughs and merriment as the two families conversed over a lovely meal. George sat across from you at the table and every now and then he would kick your shins and give you that evil grin of his. This was your relationship. You were essentially the second Weasley girl, and according to the twins you were more fun to torment because you could dish it back.

Dinner drew to a close, which meant you could continue playing again. The adults stayed and talked more over tea as you all made up imaginary games, pretending to be people you weren't. Then, soon, your parents would call you and give you the twenty-minute warning, which always meant you were leaving in an hour. You would say your goodbyes like it was no big deal, but once you started heading home you grew infinitely sadder knowing you'd be playing alone until your next trip to the Burrow.


A lot of time had passed since the hide and seek days. Now, hide and seek was used when you were playing hard to get, which happened quite often now that you were a 5th year. You also didn't see as much of the Weasleys as you used to. When you were younger, you would go over to the Burrow all the time. But now you only really saw them in passing at Hogwarts. You were still friendly, of course, but you had found yourself in a different friend group.

Recently, you'd been spending a lot more time with the Ravenclaw's largely because you were dating Roger Davies. You had started dating towards the end of your fourth year and things had been going great. You were particularly excited for the upcoming school year because they had announced the Triwizard Tournament.

The champions had just been announced and you were in Room of Requirement, sipping a butterbeer and celebrating with a majority of the Hogwarts population.

"Here ye, here ye!" someone called out. Your attention shifted to the center of the room where the Weasley twins were making an announcement.

"As you all know, we are here for two reasons. One: to celebrate the success of our fellow Hogwartsians," one of them spoke. The crowd cheered. Cedric's friends clapped him on the back while Harry stood awkwardly in the corner with a handful of Gryffindors from his year.

"And two is to have a bloody good time!" the other twin shouted. That statement was followed by even more applause. People clinked their butterbeer bottles together as the twins made a few more remarks to the group.

You mingled around the party for a bit, keeping your eye out for Roger who hadn't seemed to arrive yet. After a few butterbeers, you stopped worrying so much about your boyfriend's whereabouts.

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?" you heard someone call. That certainly caught your attention. All the participants sat in a circle on the floor.

"What rules are we playing tonight?" Cho asked.

Fred spoke next, "Spinner gets one spin. Whoever the bottle lands on can decide if they want one kiss in front of everyone or five minutes in the closet. You only get a re-spin if the bottle lands on yourself. And all wands in the middle of the circle. We don't need any interference. Sound good?" Everyone nodded in agreement and the festivities ensued.

Since Cedric was the champion, everyone agreed to let him spin first. His bottle landed on Lavender Brown and she chose to enter the closet with Cedric. Cho looked pissed, as she had her eye on Cedric this year. The two emerged from the closet minutes later, Cedric looking sheepish and surprised and Lavender trying to hide the grin creeping up her face.

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