An Adventurous Patrol

Start from the beginning

     They left at exactly 16.  While (Y/N) did have the longest route, she was given the least dangerous one.  The majority of her route —barely a majority but the majority nonetheless— was through the busiest parts of town.  That was half the reason it was long, wading through people and avoiding fans.  Endeavor apparently usually took this one because people didn't ask him for signatures.  (Y/N) didn't have to worry about that much, nobody knew who she was.
     While it was the least likely path to encounter any villains on, it was the hardest to protect when it did happen.  The whole place was packed in tight, so more could be hiding anywhere, and evacuating such large crowds was a task.  
     Thankfully, (Y/N) encountered no issues.  She made sure to be thorough.  It'd be pretty bad if she overlooked something and it ended up being a problem.  
     She got to the meeting point at 18:48.  Sameshima was already there.  He told her he'd been there for something around 20 minutes.  They waited in silence until 19 hit.  They quickly made their way down Endeavor's route.  
     (Y/N) grabs her radio at the sound of crackling.  She was sprinting to keep up with Sameshima, and he was surprised she was doing it without too much issue.  She couldn't copy him or she'd fall behind greatly.  
     "We've just encountered a small group of villains,"  Fatgum says into the radio.  "They have a gun with bullets that can temporarily nullify quirks and they have access to a drug to enhance quirks.  It only lasts around 2 minutes tops, but the effects of the nullification haven't worn off in roughly ten."  
     She looks over at Sameshima to make sure he heard the same thing.  He gives her a solid nod and they begin sprinting even faster.  

     Endeavor was currently in a hefty brawl with some random low-lifes.  His radio had been shot and was in pieces.  He was holding his hands up, surrounded by 7 men all with guns.  One of them held a hostage —a woman clutching her child to her chest— with his gun to her head.  The others were ready to fire at the number one hero.  Oddly enough, he didn't have the usual flames flaring around his person.  
     "Stop!"  One shouts, four men turning to the 2 sidekicks.  Both copied Endeavor's position.  (Y/N) glances around until she could see each other their faces and then locks onto them.  As soon as she felt the weight in her chest, making her breath a bit harder, she kicks her leg lightly.  They all followed along.  She gives a small sigh.
    "I've got them."  All 8 breathe.  Sameshima rushes forward and pulls the woman from the now frozen male whose eyes burned with rage.  Endeavor storms around, snatching the guns out of their grasp.  
     (Y/N) moves her hands to copy the main 6's extended position.  Once there, she moves to the hostage stance of the guy in the center.  The 6 follow now that she had hit their position, and all 7 copy her moving them behind her back.  Sameshima was radioing police quickly.  
     She looks over her shoulder, as do the criminals, when she hears the storming of feat only a minute later.  A somewhat large force was sprinting their way.  Soon, they arrived and began handcuffing.  
     "Just hold them as long as you can."  One says with a soft smile.  All 8 nod.  She waited until they were all loaded away.  
     "Something isn't right..."  Sameshima mumbles.  
     "You feel it, too?"  She murmurs.  He nods.  Even Endeavor seemed spooked by something.  This was weirdly organized for some petty criminals.  
     "Those guns were odd."  He grumbles.  "They shot me with one, and I can't summon fire anymore."  Both heroes immediately look at him, staring down at his hand.  There was... nothing.
     "That's why the flames you usually wear are gone?"  (Y/N) asks in confirmation.  He nods.
     "They fizzled out as soon as I was hit."  
     "We should get heading back.  You'll need to come with us to file a report."  She bobs her head before looking up.  
     All the two men knew was that she gasped, grabbing the hostage woman and jumping in front of her.  Only a second later, she collapsed.

     Shoto gripped his hair, panting.  His eyes were closed, provoked and disturbed.  He stood for a few long moments, gasping in breaths, holding his head.  
     "I told you: I'm okay."  She murmurs.  
     "But you're not okay, (Y/N)."  He breathes heavily.  There was something like anger in his voice.  She knew it wasn't for her, but it still hurt.  "You're not okay.  There is nothing 'okay' about this situation.  You're not dying, but that's not... okay..."  She grabs his hands to slow down his breathing.  He'd been in and out of hyperventilating ever since he got into her hospital room.  Her being up and fine didn't help too much.  
     "I'm not dying.  And neither is that woman.  That's what matters, right?"  
     "You can't go back out there.  You can't.  What if you get targeted again?"  He didn't know how he wanted her to answer, but a shrug wasn't it.
     "You have to accept that that's just hero life, Sho."  She whispers.  He takes in more heavy breaths.  He certainly was not accepting it.  Finally, after a moment, she sighs.  "Do you trust me?"
     "If your life was in danger, do you trust that I could save you?"  His simple gaze told her how stupid of a question it was.
     "Of course I would."
     "So why do you think I can't save myself?"  He pauses, staring at her for a long while.  "I know you're scared, Sho, but you have to trust me."  His eyes flutter closed again as he hunches forward.  Both hands gripped onto her interlocked ones.  
     "I thought you didn't even want to be a hero.  Why are you pushing this now?  This isn't required, and it doesn't even count for school!  You're doing this for no reason.  I talked to Kaimoto-san and she said you signed a contract outside of U.A.  Why are you doing this?"  
     (Y/N) sighs, moving to pull him closer.  He sounded angry, but she knew he was just scared.  He probably didn't even know what emotions he was feeling, just something burning and welling inside him.  
     "Honestly, I don't know."  She states.  "When I was training with the third-years... something clicked.  I've been losing hope in my dance, society simply isn't stable enough for jobs like that.  Maybe that has something to do with it."  
     She frowns when she hugs him.  He was shaking.  Todoroki Shoto... was shaking.  It honestly made her feel terrible.  
     "It's okay."  She whispers, rubbing his back.  She could feel each deep breath on her neck as he hid into her nape.  "It's okay.  Things will be just fine.  I might get hurt a couple of times and maybe you will, too, but the world is going to be better for it."  
     "Please don't die on me."
     "Don't put me in that place, Sho."  
     "I don't know what I'll do if you die."  
     "You'll take my place, that's what.  Become the best, for me."  

     "Kirishima, hey!"  Kaminari shouts.  The redhead turns, startling at the phone being shoved in his face.  "Your name!  Your hero name's in the news online!  Wow!  'Newcomer Red Riot bursts onto the scene!  From his first day, he takes responsibility for the citizens and fights a villain by himself.'  That's what it says!"  
     "Tsu and Uraraka, you're amazing!  Your names are here!"  Ashido tells, copying Kaminari's exact stance.  Uraraka grins and grabs the outheld device.
     "Let's see...  'New sidekicks at Ryukyu Agency.  Two there for a for work-study!'  Wow, that makes me happy!  There it is!"  
     "I wonder where they took the picture from..."  Asui ponders.  
     "That's amazing!  Maybe you already have some fans like Mt. Lady!"  Ashido announces.  She was simply giddy.  
     "I'm so jealous!"  Hagakure proclaims.
     "It's true,"  Jiro mumbles, looking at her own phone with the article.  "'And they're cute.  A great achievement, taking control of a big incident in an instant...  Their abilities are real.'"  She reads.  
     "Even if they only have provisional licenses, once they start working in town, they're heroes just the same.  Remarkable service."  Iida states proudly.  "However!"  He interrupts himself.  "A student's duty is to study!"  
     "Sheesh, Iida-san, calm down."  He looks over as (Y/N) wobbles in.  She had a staff and was walking mostly on it.  Shoto followed in just behind her, worriedly watching.  
     "Oh gods!  What happened?"  Uraraka shouts, startled.  She blushes softly.  
     "The interview will be out in a minute...  With Endeavor-san."  
     "Are you doing a work-study with Endeavor?"  Kaminari questions.  She nods her head.  
     "Yeah, here it is,"  Jiro states, clicking on it.  Everyone interested gathered around.  (Y/N) stood just behind Yaoyorozu, curious as to what he would say.  
     "News reports say there were three major attacks last night.  Two types of bullets were at each scene, one that cancels quirks and one that intensifies them.  Did you hear about this?"  The reporter asks amongst constantly clicking of cameras.  Endeavor leans forward slightly, making the flashes bounce off his face.  
     "I did not personally, I lost communication with my forces.  My two partners were aware of the attack involving Fatgum."  
     "You were struck with one that nullified your quirk, yes?  Is it back now?"  
     "I was, and yes, it is back."  
     "There are rumors that one of your partners is actually a U.A. student, though the school has stated she is not currently in a work-study.  Is any of this true?"  
     "Yes, she is a U.A. student.  She has signed a contract with the company."  
     "Are you implying that U.A. is unaware of the work-studies of its students?"
     "This contract is not through the school."  
     "Don't you think that's dangerous?  Especially considering the events of yesterday?"  Endeavor only shrugs.
     "She's not dead, so I see no problem."  
     Asui glances over at Shoto's angry expression.  She glances down to see he was holding (Y/N), his thumb brushing over one spot on her lower back, almost her side.  
     "The situation is quite serious, Endeavor."  A woman pipes up.  "Is the student considering quitting?"  
     "She did not seem to be considering it, no."  
     "As a hero, you should discourage such reckless behavior."  A third reporter states.  He was an elder fellow.  Endeavor cocks an eyebrow.
     "I'm not sure what behavior was reckless.  It was quite intelligent, actually."  
     "A young student should not have been the one to take a hit for someone older.  There were other heroes there, including yourself, were there not?"  
     "My partner is aware of what she is doing.  I do not let immature children work for me.  She had protected the woman and her young son."  
     Three images appeared on screen in succession.  One was (Y/N) pushing a woman back by her shoulders.  The next was her hovering over a child who looked traumatized, hugging onto him.  The third was her slumped on the ground just in front of the woman who was scrambling to stand and pull her son back.  There was blood beginning to pool underneath her, but there wasn't much and the source wasn't clear in the photo.  
     "Are you saying that you are willing to let those under you get shot if you believe the exchange is fair?!"  The woman shouts.  
     "If I had seen the shooter when she did, I would have stepped in and attempted to take the bullet.  I have applauded her quick thinking and heroism and I would suggest anyone else do the same."  
     (Y/N) tsks despite the bewildered stares she was getting from most of the class.  
     "He wasn't supposed to talk about that contract..."  

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