"lia" luke poofed before her

"i'm sorry" amelia spat out "i don't want to fight with you"

"i'm sorry to, i know what it's like for someone to let you down when you think they have your back. trevor did that to us, and mom and i went through it" luke explained "i never meant to make you feel that way"

"i'm sorry to, i should have listened to you and i should have believed that you really tried to be on time" amelia said

luke shook his head "can we call it even? forget about it? go back to how things were?"

"i'd like that" amelia smiled, she stepped forward and hugged luke as if he was going to disappear on her again. "i got you something" she reached into her pocket and pulled out a little box

luke grinned and opened the box, it was a guitar pick, with the words 'we will fight...' on the front and on the back '... to shine together'. luke beamed at her "i love it, thank you. you didn't have to get me anything"

"i didn't have to, but i did" amelia told him "and it's what dad said, we may fight like cats and dogs, but at the end of you day your still my brother, dead or not"

"i love you, you know" luke said quietly, tears rolling down both of their faces "i've only been a ghost for a short amount of time, but you are the best thing that happened to me"

"i've always looked up to you, and that's why it sucked that you did what you did, but i understand, we just move past it?" the shorter girl asked

"yes!" luke grinned "i booked us a gig tonight, since you've managed your stage fright, maybe you could sing with us, show us what you've got"

"maybe, i'll have to talk to julie first" amelia smiled slightly

amelia and luke stood for a moment longer, before the door opened behind them "hey hun, you okay?" lillie stuck her head out

amelia nodded and smiled slightly "i'm okay, things were just tense"

"i understand, even though we do this every year, this year has been extra with losing julies mom" lillie said "you need any longer?"

"no i'm good, but i think maybe i might go and see julie, we have a gig tonight?" the brunette explained

"we? are you in a band?" lillie asked

amelia nodded "yes? kinda, it's complicated" she said "i play the piano, and julie sings, and then we have these holograms that play with us. but now that i sang at the dance, i think everyone wants me to sing"

"can i come watch? i know it's hard for your mom and dad after everything, so maybe i could come?" lillie asked

amelia's eyes widened slightly, as she subtly glanced at luke, who just shrugged "she's gonna come anyway, if i know my best friend, which i do, she's gonna find a way, we may have to be honest with her"

"erm sure" amelia told her aunt, before listing off the address of the cafe they were playing at that evening "i'm going to julies, see you tonight?"

"see you later!" lillie grinned "i'll tell mama emily for you" she leant forwards and kissed the smaller girl on the forehead

amelia started walking down the driveway, opting to walk instead of drive. luke trailed on beside her "ugh this is such a long walk" he whined

"you could just poof there" amelia told him

luke suddenly beamed and grabbed his sisters hand "good idea"


luke landed on a chair in the studio, amelia falling on top of him with a groan. she stood up and slapped his head "did i mention that i fucking hate you?"

"love you too sis" luke grinned before he noticed julie at the piano. he jumped out the chair "julie?"

"grab your guitar we've got work to do" julie smiled "millie, grab a mic"






"amelia grace patterson i will murder you!" julie exclaimed

amelia huffed "fine, but i'm not leading, i sing, we sing together"


luke grabbed his guitar and amelia grabbed a microphone, before walking back over to julie "what made you come back?" luke asked

"i realised how important music is to all of us, and we've all lost so much already" julie explained "we can't lose this"

"thanks" luke smiled "alright boss where we at?"

"oh by the way, happy birthday" julie smiled

luke beamed and averted his eyes to his sister, who looked just as confused, before diverting them to his best friends, who looked rather sheepish.

"let's take it from the prechorus"

"one, two, three, four"

they practised for over an hour before deciding to call it quits while julie went and changed. amelia has deemed her outfit performance ready, with it being a long sleeve white turtle neck, with a purple tie dye dress over the top.

"oh by the way auntie lillie is coming tonight" amelia informed julie as she was about to go back inside

"you're telling me because...?"

"... because she was the boys best friends so we need to figure out how to tell her they are ghosts" amelia told her

"SHES WHAT?" julie yelled

"ohhh i knew i forgot to mention something" amelia sighed "it doesn't matter but let's just be prepared for that conversation"

"bring her back here after the gig and we can explain" julie said

amelia nodded, she glanced back at reggie and alex who were talking quietly in the corner of the garage, before glancing back at julie "yep yep, i'll go get my car in a bit and then pick you up?"

"yep" julie smiled before walking inside

amelia turned back to the garage, reggie had moved from alex and was talking to luke, so amelia made her way over to alex and hugged him. she squeezed him right, and he squeezed her equally as tight. no words were needed from the pair. amelia pulled away with a smile and turned to reggie

"reggie? can we talk?"

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