27. Harry

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I stared at my phone for a few seconds. I had just landed in JFK airport and listened to Emma’s message.

“Everything okay?” Liam asked. We had flown together and Liam was going to stop at the Statue of Liberty before getting on his flight tonight. He had wanted to see it for years and finally had his chance.

“Emma’s having a baby.” I said. Liam’s eyes widened.

“What are you doing here then? Go!” I nodded and started running through the airport. I needed to get to Emma. There was a line for the cabs and I let out a huff of frustration.

“My girlfriend’s having a baby!” I screamed, my voice cracking with desperation. A car pulled up and I practically jumped into it.

“The hospital closest to seventh.” I said. The car pulled away and I drummed my fingers on my leg. I needed to get there, now. After what felt like forever the cab pulled up to the hospital and I threw money at the driver before running into the building. I ran up to the reception desk.

“Is Emma Knightly here? I’m her boyfriend.” The nurse glared at me before slowly checking a clipboard.

“Sign this.” She said, pushing a slip of paper at me. I didn’t even look at it before scribbling my name. “Room 4a.” she said. I nodded and started running up the stairs my bag banging against my back, taking them two at a time. I skidded to a halt in the A wing and caught my breath as I looked for room 4.

“Are you Harry?” a nurse said behind me. I turned and nodded. She wore pink scrubs and had brown hair, the color of Emma’s.

“Come with me.” She smiled at me. I followed her down the hall. “Your wife was very vocal during her labor. I don’t think I’ve ever heard most of words she used.” She said with a laugh. I smiled, that was Emma. “I would be careful; I don’t think you want your daughter repeating some of the things she said.” The nurse said, stopping at a door.

“Daughter? It’s a girl?” Emma had refused to tell me until I came home from touring.

“Congratulations, she’s in that room.” The nurse pointed and I walked into the room. It was white with a single bed, a T.V and a nightstand. The shades were pulled back from the window, letting in the afternoon sunlight. Emma looked to be asleep but when I drew closer she stirred and smiled at me. Her hair was drawn back in a ponytail and her stomach was still big. I sat down on the bed next to her. I kissed her and then drew back.

“Hey.” I said softly.

“Hey.” She said back, just as quietly. She reached out and touched my hair. “It’s so long.” She said, as though the length of my hair was the strangest thing to happen today.

“How are you?”

“Fine, tired, sore.” She let out a little laugh.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”

“You’re here now, that’s what counts.”

“Have you seen her yet?” I asked.

“No, they took her away for tests as soon as she came out. I was waiting for you anyways.”

“How did you know I would be here in time before they let you see her?”

“I just had a feeling.” She smiled and I heard something behind me. A nurse came in with a tiny pink bundle. I smiled and the nurse came over and gently set her down in Emma’s arms. Emma’s face lit up and she smiled down at her daughter.

“Hello little one.” She cooed.

“Does she...Does she have a name?” I asked.

“Allison Anne Styles.” Emma said, looking at me. “Do you like it?” She asked.

“It’s perfect.” Emma reached down and moved the blanket and read the little hospital band around Allison’s wrist a loud.

“7 pounds 2 ounces. Born at 1:30 on August 29th.” She looked at me and smiled. “Liam was born today too.” I smiled.

“We’ll never hear the end of it.”

“Do you want to hold her?” She asked. I held out my arms and Emma gently put her in my arms. I looked down at my daughter and smiled. She had big green eyes that were looking around the room and a little patch of curly brown hair.

“She has your nose.” I told Emma. Her little, perfect nose.

“She has your eyes.” Emma said. Her little tiny mouth opened and closed.

“Hello little one.” I said. “I’m your dad.” Allison seemed to smile at me and I knew that today was the best day of my life.

Later that day Emma was released from the hospital and we made our way home. I flinched every time a car came too close while we were riding home, while Emma kept fussing with Allison’s carrier. Finally we made it home in one piece and made our way up to the apartment. I set our bags down on the floor and Emma got Allison out of her carrier. She had fallen asleep on the car ride home.

“What should we do?” I asked.

“We should…” Emma yawned. “Take a nap because I’m tired.” I yawned too.

“That is an excellent idea.” I said.

We went into the bed room and changed into something more comfortable and put Allison in the middle of us on the bed. We both lay on our sides and looked down at her.

“I’m sorry.” Emma said suddenly.

“For what?”

“I never asked you about touring! Tell me everything! How was it?” I smiled and began telling her about touring. She listened attentively, her eyes only leaving my face to make sure Allison was okay. I talked until we both fell asleep with a hand protectively on Allison. 

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