Meeting Mr Way

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I could feel slender hands on my shoulders helping me, steadying me. I felt so embarrassed and I'm pretty sure I was red hot with embarrassment. My gaze flicked upward and ... and... wow. Just WOW!

The man crouched in front of me was gorgeous... seriously gorgeous. His hair was dark and unruly, his eyes were this warm hazel with greenish highlights in their depths. He had pale flawless skin and his cheekbones were nicely defined and shaping an angel-like mouth. What was wrong with me?! I'm not gay... am I?

I realised I was not very subtly checking him out. He cleared his throat and awkwardly helped me up. "Uh hello Mr Way. I'm Frank Iero and it's a pleasure to meet you." A real pleasure I thought.

"Mr Iero welcome and the pleasure's all mine" He smirked as he said this and held out his hand. I shook his hand firmly and I felt a tingling sensation from his hand that went straight to my groin.
Holy shit! What was that?

He smiled a secret smile as he asked me if I'd like to sit down.

Once seated in the chair I felt out of place, he was seated opposite me and ran a hand through his hair. Hm I'd like to do that.

"So uh... I'm here for an interview" I murmured. "Yes I thought you might be" he smiled sardonically as he regarded me with his warm eyes. Clearing my throat I just shrugged. Average questions were asked about my studies, G.P.A things like that. Then the questions became quite personal.

"So Mr Iero... What do you like doing outside of work?" Mr Way asked me and he placed his elegant hand under his chin, fingers overlapping his lips. I swallowed "Well I... Uh do stuff" I replied.
Do stuff?! What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Do stuff..." Mr Way smirked at me and squinted "What kind of stuff do you do, Frank?" he asked, his silky voice melting me to the very core. Oh my God... He said my name! His eyes remained fixed on mine and if I wasn't mistaken I noticed him wink at me. I shifter uncomfortably in the chair and told him some of the activities I liked.

Finally he straightened up

"Okay, one last question Mr Iero... Then we are done" Oh I'm Mr Iero now am I? The thought made me frown "Uh yes, Sir?" I bleated timidly. He smirked once again and I resisted the urge to get out my credit card and give him a chelsea smile.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Mr Iero?" He inquired impassively. What the hell?

"Uh no sir" I replied. He cocked his head to one side, itching his chin. "Boyfriend?" He probed. I flushed a deep crimson and cast my gaze downward "Uh no, Sir" I murmured. He suddenly looked satisfied and his body his very sexy body relaxed.

"Why do you want to know, Sir?" I asked locking eyes with him unaware of my reddening cheeks. Maybe he was interested in meeeeee! I thought and it brought a hopeful half-smile to my face.

"Because I need to know if you're going to look after a baby or you need time with your significant other. If that were the case I would not hire you because I cannot employ someone who's personal life may interfere with their work." Holy crap he didn't even take a breath as he said this!

I felt annoyed and disappointed then... His eyes had become cold and his jaw was clenched. I realised he was trying to get my attention. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again. His eyes softened "Frank... What is it?" He asked kindly.

"T-to be honest I-I thought you might be interested in me" I stammered quietly.

Shit! What possessed me to say that?!

I felt no need to lie to him but I couldn't look at him. I started to tremble with embarrassment and my eyes felt... wet!
Oh fuck! I couldn't cry! I wasn't some whiny teenage girl who just broke up with her boyfriend! I tried to blink away the tears but a traitor tear fell down my cheek.

"Frank... I-" I could see his hand reaching towards me. NO! Without a word I jumped up from the chair and sprinted out of the office.

With the sounds of my name being shouted, echoing behind me.

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