"That's fine with me just make sure that if she does it too much I will do something harsh back to her."

"Alright then. So once I'm done answering all her questions, I want you to do some cool stuff."

"What kind of stuff do you want me to do?" I asked because I knew what I wanted to do but it was probably not what he wanted me to.

"I want you to do what you feel like is appropert but nothing too extreme."

"Okay then. Well I need to get back to my house so I can finish making my cinnamon rolls for tonight. You are more than welcome to come and help me if you want to." I said hoping he would come over because I hated being alone all the time.

"Ya I'll come as long as I get some to take home when we're done."

"Yes you can take some home." I said. When we finally got back to my house, we went inside and got to work. After a little bit, Matthew came up behind me, moved some of my hair and kissed my neck. "Shouldn't you be working? I didn't exactly invite you over to kiss me."

"Ya I know, but you had some flour on your nose and I just came over to take it off." he said and brushed the imaginary flour off my nose.

I kissed him and said, "Get back to work weirdo."

"Fine." he said. It was a couple of minutes after that that I started to get a headache so I took some medicine and sat down for a couple of minutes. It started to get worse so I told Matthew to text all our other friends to get over here as fast as they could and I also had him text Steve so he could check me out. When they all got here they all sat around me except for Steve. He was checking me out when something started happening to me.

"Toothless what's happening to you?" exclaimed Steve because I was flickering in between myself and my dragon self but I couldn't explain that to him because I was in too much pain. I painfully looked up at Matthew for him to explain. Even though the expression on my face was worried I still wanted Matthew to tell Steve what was going on.

"So Steve this might seem a little weird at first but it will make more sense once this stops happening." he said

"What's going with Toothless, Matthew? She has never been like this when I check on her." Steve said

"Well there is nothing you can do about what is happening to her because we don't have the technology to remove the dragon from her. And yes she has somewhat been like this when you have checked on her before." Matthew explained. Matthew picked me up and I wrapped an arm around his neck and placed my head on his chest as he took me outside into the forest just in case I fully transformed. He set me down and walked back over to where the rest of my friends were standing. I was thankful Jada had stayed with her dad so she could answer his questions that he had about what was happening to me.

"Toothless, you need to try to transform into your dragon half or try to stay in human form. Please just so I have something stable to look at and so that I can help you out." I heard Steve say.

So I tried my hardest to change into a dragon or stay in human form but it was really hard. Every time I tried it seemed to make my headache worse. "I - I can't, it's too hard to do either of them and it hurts too much to try. I - I need help staying in human form."

"Matthew go help her," I heard Ocean say. Her voice seemed to be a million miles away.

"Right. I'm coming Toothless, just hang in there." he said, rushing back over to me. He sat down next to me and I put my head in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and it seemed to help because I was staying in human form longer than before.

"Ocean why didn't anyone else go help Toothless?" I heard Steve ask.

"Well Steve, Matthew's her boyfriend and probably the only one who can help her stay in human form the best right now." she explained.

"Well, at least I can check on her now without her shifting form every couple of seconds." As he was checking on me, my body calmed down enough to where Matthew didn't have to hold me but he didn't stop running his fingers through my hair. It still helped because my head was still pounding from my headache. Steve said that I should be okay by the time we got back to my house, so we all got up and went back to my house.

When we got to my house I said, "Thanks guys for helping me out. Hey Steve, I'm sorry if I scared you, that's never happened before. I just hope it doesn't happen again. It wasn't the greatest feeling on the planet."

"It's all right but I've seen that dragon that's inside you somewhere before."

"You actually have seen and treated me in dragon form before." I said with a smile on my face.

"You mean that dragon that all your friends were around was you and not just another dragon that's on the island."

"There are no other dragon's on the island and yes that was me that my friends were around when you came to check on me. Well see you later Steve. And just remember you can't tell anyone else about all this."

Toothless Adventures in Highschool and BeyondWhere stories live. Discover now