"Is it real?"

"No, but it can make cool sound effects." he said, then nodded to indicate that he had this under controlled and that he wanted me to do something cool. So that's what I did, I blew in his face like I was blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Matthew smiled and said, "See, it's just a harmless experiment. You can get going now, I still have some things to touch up on something here."

"Alright then. I have to get home anyway. Good luck on your science experiment." he said and once he was gone and after Matthew checked the perimeter for anything else that seemed suspicious, I transformed back into human form.

"Thanks for covering up for me like that Matthew. It was really kind of you to do that for me. I think I should be heading back home now, it's getting kinda late." I said and started to walk back towards my house.

"Hey Tooth, the only reason I did was because I really like you and you're the prettiest girl I've ever met. I also didn't want anyone else finding out that you're part dragon. I've been wanting to ask you something but don't know how to ask it. So here it goes. Do you want to be my girlfriend? If you don't want to it's okay but-"

"You always get all nervous around me Matthew. I would love to be your girlfriend, and I really like you too."

"Alright then. I'll walk you back to your house, if that's okay with you." he asked and I said that was totally fine with me. So when we started to walk home, Matthew was walking beside me and reached out for my hand and I took his hand in mine and smiled. When we got home Matthew said "Your leg still looks like it hearts, are you sure you don't need to go get it checked out?"

"It's still just a little sore and no I don't need to go get it checked out. I'll be okay. Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes you will. See you tomorrow and just remember that you are the most beautiful girl of all time." He said. Before I walked inside, Matthew stopped me. "I've got one more very odd question for you. It's going to sound like I'm crazy, but can I kiss you?"

"Yes you can." I said. Matthew cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. He was gentile and seemed like he was going to hurt me if he pressed too hard. When he backed up I was smiling. I tucked some hair behind my ear and looked at the ground.

"I should really let you go now. I drop in tomorrow sometime to check in on you." he said.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." I said. I turned around and went inside. I tried to get some rest but couldn't seem to fall asleep so I asked my friends if they would like to come over. Everyone came over, even Matthew walked back over.

When they all got here we sat in the living but my friends saw something different about Matthew and I. The only reason for them to think that was because we were sitting next to each other. I had rested my head on Matthew's shoulder and he had wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Even though they all knew that we had gone on one date already they didn't know that he had asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and that I had said yes.

"Hey guys what is going on with you two right now." asked Jada.

"What do you mean Jada I don't see anything going with us two right now." I said, "Right Matthew you don't see anything going on right now at this very moment between us?"

"Ya nothing is going on between us right now," said Matthew.

"Well I mean there seems to be something different about you two that has happened in the past couple of hours. Like something had happened when you two went into the woods together." said Jada

"Well if you guys really want to know. I asked Tooth if she would like to be my girlfriend and she said yes. Which is amazing because she is really cute." said Matthew. He pulled me a bit closer and placed a kiss on the top of my head. After that everyone started going all goggle eyed because they thought that it was crazy that me and Matthew were boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Alright guys can you stop doing that, it's not a big dill. We really need to talk about how to find my parents and how to get them free from wherever they are." I said and then I saw something on the dining room table that hadn't been there before. I got up to see what it was and it was another letter from my parents. "Hey guys look at this" and I showed them the letter. It said:

Dear Toothless, we are so glad that you and your friends are determined to find us and so we want to help. The only help we can give you right now is a small clue to lead you closer to finding us. It is that we were taken to a place where only you, Toothless, can reach. This is all we can tell you. We will contact you soon sweetheart. Remember that we love you and miss you very much.

Love Mom and Dad


P.S. We are so proud that you are having a fun time with all your friends, especially Matthew.

That was all it said and so we all decided to see if we could see what this meant tomorrow. So everyone left and Matthew was the last one out because he wanted to make sure I was going to be okay before he left and because he saw that I had a worried face that was consering him.

"Do you need help with anything Tooth and what does that mean?" he asked

"No, I think I'll be okay for tonight. I was just wondering how the people at school will react once they find out that you and I are boyfriend and girlfriend." I said

"Well don't think too much about it until they actually find out and then we'll see what their reaction is. I would do anything to save you from harm. I want you to remember that because no matter how the kids at school react I will still be here for you."

"Okay I'll remember that. See you tomorrow then?"

"See you tomorrow. I'll come check on you around 9 tomorrow morning to see if you're still holding up." he said. He quickly kissed my forehead, tucked some lose hair behind my ear and smiled at me. Then walked out the door so he could go home.

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