the concept of Blackstone's pheonix

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Let us explain to you why our stories about the legendary creatures are unique in style and exploration of mythology.

The characters that we have introduced in the book Tales Of A Phoenix: Odyssey to the Underverse are gods, phoenixes, dragons, Archaegelens. the idea of Blackstone is to give you a glimpse into the conception of those creatures. As for the main creatures of the tales: phoenixes and dragons are humanoids from another dimension. the only difference between them and the humans in the Kharperian galaxy is that they are immortals who came from another dimension by hybridization with humans. nevertheless, they have been waging a war for ages to take control of Kharperia.

The Hero of this book is named Arkkhen: he is the King of Medderah and is worshiped as a god among his people. a fearless warrior and justice seeker, he has been fighting for what he believed was right since the day that he has inherited the throne of Medderah. His life and strength were the results of the experimentation made on his grandfather by the phoenixes of Vnakhoria in the realm of Ghindarah.

let us not forget the main question here. Who are the phoenixes?

the realm of the phoenixes is located in the galaxy of Ghindarah. they are not from our universe and there is only one way to get to their world: the portal that is in a labyrinth under the palace of Medderah. The only bridge through those two dimensions. only a few know the existence of this doorway and the phoenixes have been secretly helping Medderah in the war against Khivah, the queen of New Drakkhonia who happens to be a dragon from Ghindarah. You will find more about the realm of Ghindarah in the next books, but what you will underdtand is that the phoenix world is no different from ours. They solemnly believe that they are above of all other creatures in any sentient world. They love flashing their powers among themselves but when they travel to the Medranan, they love to cultivate some kind of mystery about them so they can keep the "godship" in line.

C.G. Blackstone has set those mythological creatures inside a humanoid form where they meet strength and flaws and even flirt with death itself. if not with the help of Destiny who happens to be a prime force that is plotting with Arkkhen for some greater purpose. the phoenixes and dragons are creatures who have inherited the fire element. they can control the fire spirit (Anima) that gives them a clear advantage against the others. They can fly, they are telepaths, they can burn, their armours are made of the hardest metal ever found. They have no war in their world, but they act as if they were expecting one.

Now that Arkkhen is in the Underverse, will he be able to use those natural gifts to succeed on the path that has been put in front of him? let us read the book if we wanna know more. The road ahead of them is full of surprises...

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