Chapter 14: What She Feels

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Chapter 14: What She Feels


Her eyes went wide and her cheeks heated up quickly. Aelwyne just looked at her, a smile still in place but with a raising blush as well. Addison did not know what to do with herself or how to explain what she had just said. But thankfully she was saved by Meredith and Cristina.

"Aelwyne! You're up!" Meredith exclaimed happily as she walked in.

"Hi." Aelwyne said quietly blush still working itself through her face.

"You ok? You look flushed." Cristina started.
"You too Dr. Montgomery. Are you guys ok?" Addison and Aelwyne both mumbled that they were indeed fine.

"Dr. Montgomery why don't you go get some rest? We'll stay with her." Meredith offered Cristina nodding in agreement next to her.

"You should go rest Dr. Montgomery." Aelwyne insisted when she noticed the hesitation.

"You'll be ok? I'll just be a few minutes." Addison said.

She didn't want to leave her alone. Even if her friends were with her. She just did not want to. Even if she felt embarrassed by what she had just blurted out.

"I'll be ok and take more than a few minutes. You need rest." Aelwyne responded with a soft smile.

'Dammit! Stop smiling!' Addison felt her face heat up once more.

"Ok. I'll check on you later." Addison left trying her best to hide her face while walking out.

She walked a few steps, her heart racing and her face still heated. She leaned against the wall for a minute trying to calm herself.

"Dr. Montgomery, you good?" Bailey questioned as she approached the redhead.

"Fine." Addison said. She could still feel the heat on her cheeks.

"Are you sure?" Bailey asked again, a bit concerned.

"Yes. Anyway the rest of the squad is in there with her so I'm going to go eat and rest a bit." She responded quickly, turning to leave.

"Wait." Bailey said, making Addison face her once more. "Thank you. Thank you for taking care of her."

"It's hard not to. She's..." Addison stopped trying to find the words to describe Aelwyne.

'She is strong. She is compassionate. She is smart. She is beautiful. She put others before her all the time. She takes care of everyone. Took care of me. She is just amazing. She's just everything anyone could ask for. It'd be so easy to fall in love with her. Dammit Addison focus!'

"She's special." Addison finished, her blush still not wavering.

"That she is. And don't worry I'll make sure someone is watching her while you rest." Bailey said with a knowing smile walking towards the intern's room.

Addison stared after Bailey. Once the resident disappeared into the room she leaned against the wall once more with a deep sigh. She was in so much trouble.


Nobody knew how, or so they kept saying, but Bailey had managed to get the chief to agree to keep Aelwyne in-patient for at least a week. The short resident had her ways. Her friends would visit constantly, she was never alone. They had taken to going to her for help with different diagnoses aside from the normal gossip. Also she had somehow convinced Bailey and Addison to let her organize their charts. She was being a very good patient. Unlike Cristina had. Though honestly the bruised ribs were not as major as what Cristina had had. She had stayed in bed as much as possible but also walked a bit as recommended by Callie. She just wanted this whole bed rest thing to end so she could try and go back to normal.

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