"Um nice to see you too guys." I said awkwardly to them.

"Was that you?"

"That was awesome!"

"Marry me...."

"LOU!" all the boys screamed at Louis comment i just giggled.

"That's ok guys i know he was just playing." I said while giggling.

"Told you she was good." Niall said a matter-of-factly .

"Yeah you were right." Harry said.

"I know I was." Niall said.

"Hey she should open for us one night!'' Lou said.

"Oh no no no...." I said waving my hands up.

"Pleeeeeease for me?" Niall asked with a puppy dog face.

"Oh shit he gave her the puppy dog face Hurry Liz look away!'' Harry said while tackling me.

"Ugh fine only if you get you fat arse off me!" I said to him.

"Hey! I am not fat!" He said.

"Yes you are!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!.... Hey wait no fair you cheated!" He said.

"Too late you confessed it!" I said then walked into the kitchen.

"Damn she is a feisty one.....'' Harry said.

"I heard that!" I yelled back.

"Good!" He said back.

"Ok guys keys just drop it and go." Liam being all 'daddy direction' on us. So we walked out and i stuck my tongue at him. He out his hand to his heart as if he was saying he as Hurt.

"Hurtful!" He said. I just laughed Liam was driving and Harry called shot gun and Niall and I called middle back and Louis said he wants to lay out cause he was tired in the back.

"Ok so where do we go?" Liam asked i started to get worried.

"Um just take a left up here." I said Niall saw me and grabbed my hand squeezing it lightly, i smiled to him. He returned one.we pulled up to my drive way and i jumped out locking the door behind me.

"LIZ WHAT THE HECK OPEN UP!" Niall said worried i shook my head and said, "no Niall i have to go in and see if it is safe i don't want you all to get hurt." I said then went up to the door and opened it and saw no one i let out a breath that i didn't even know i was holding. I waved them in and they came out of the car.

"There not here but that doesn't mean they won't be here soon.'' I explained and ran up the stairs with them hot on my trails. I got out my only suit case and dumped in all my clothes and phone charger.i went to go get my guitar but it wasn't on the stand i grabbed the case and it wasn't in there. I looked around then found it on the ground in my corner all smashed up and bent i gasped and tears formed in my eyes.

"Liz where are you i can't f-" he came rushing in and saw my guitar and came rushing over to me.

"What happen?" He asked me i just said 'i don't know'. He tried giving me a hug and i just stood up and anger filling up in me.

"I can't believe he would do that!'' I said then Niall came up and told me to sit down and i did.

"I mean he knew that it was my moms guitar he knew it i mean seriously i loved that guitar my mom even signed it for me just before she died, I-I just miss her!" I said before Niall coming and kissing my forehead.

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