Chapter 2

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The six-team members were all woken up by their alarm clocks, each of them set to wake them up at 5 a.m. just as the Colonel asked the day before. It wasn't easy getting out of bed at this hour when the sun wasn't even rising in the sky yet. They tiredly dressed up and eat their breakfast, still half-asleep, before washing their teeth. Just as they finished preparing themselves, the tower notifying them about someone going up to meet them in their headquarters. As they expected, it was Colonel Raccoon who got out of the elevator, and he squinted his eyes to observe them closely, making sure they were ready before he ordered them to go down with them in the underground military base.

They walked around this secret place as they did a week prior, only this time it was less unsettling, and they didn't fear for their lives. The staff even greeted them as they walked past them, giving them some semblance of a normal working place when they knew everybody here secretly worked for the US government without Acmetropolis' citizens even knowing they lived above an underground base.
The Colonel leads them to what they could only assume was a changing room, with one side for women and the other for men, separated by a small area with benches in-between. There were six piles of clothes on the benches.

"This is what you'll wear during this mission," the middle-aged raccoon told them, taking one pile and handing it to Lexi. "They're all the same, just different sizes, but they'll be sufficient. You'll take your own clothes back when you'll be done today."

The cream-colored rabbit walked to the women's side while the boys, once the Colonel handed them their own outfit, went to change on the men's side of the room. Their new suit really looked the same: it was made of three pieces, a t-shirt, a raincoat, and pants, a bit large except for Slam's who tightened nicely on his big frame. As he put it on himself, Ace was slowly reminded of those traffic work suits, except instead of that flashy yellow color those outfits were of a pitch-black coloring. Not the most stylish set of clothing, but they weren't going to a party anyway. As the Colonel said the day before, they'd work hard and tirelessly today to clean the city. He looked down at the Guardian Sword, which he did not forget to take with him, and wondered how he would fit it in his clothes. He decided to just hold it for now.
Once they were all dressed in their new work outfit – including Lexi – they waited for the Colonel to come back, as he had to excuse himself and check a few things one last time before he went with them to supervise their first official mission. Someone knocked on the door and they assumed he was already back; but, much to their surprise, that wasn't a raccoon who came in.

"Good morning, Loonatics!" Doyle happily greeted them, followed by Con who was pushing a rolling table before him. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"The–Gophers!" Rev exclaimed, shaking Doyle's extended hand vividly with a smile – so rigorously the gopher widened his eyes in surprise, not expecting to have his arms almost shaken out of his shoulder. "Nice–to–see–you–again–after–all–this–time!"

"How are you young chaps holding on since you got there?" Con asked, putting the table near the benches. "Are the headquarters to your tastes?"

"They're fine, but it's nice to be out too," Lexi answered. "Seven days looking at the same walls is a bit depressing."

"Good thing you weren't living in the 21st century then," the gopher with the lighter fur joked, "you would not have survived 2020!"

Tech approached the rolling table, looking at the devices displayed on it.

"What are those?" he asked a couple of British doctors.

"Oh, they're the last addition to your outfits!" Doyle declared, taking one of the large bracelets in his hands. "This is a wrist computer, with many options such as communication device in case you are too far away from each other and vital scanners."

Loonatics Revamp Episode 2 Problems from Underground (Saved and Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now