Start and introducing

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I was like eww

Mrs president
Interesting Runa

I'm a simp
Uhm hi ? May I know where am I

Who are you. How did you get in here

I'm a simp I'm asking you people how did I even get in here anyways I'm y/n l/n. What about your names ?

Mrs president
So you are y/n l/n. Nice to meet you my name is kirari momobami as you should call me miss president or president.

Crazy gambler
Ima yumeko jabami

I'm Runa yomozuki

I am sayaka igrashi. Mrs president's secretary

Nail collecter
I'm itsuki sumeragi pleasure to meet you

Pop star
I think you will know me. I'm yumemi yumemite

I'm a simp
Yumemi yumemite the singer ? I'm a fan but not a big fan. Sorry not sorry.

Pop star
I-I'm sad T~T.

Crazy gambler
I thought you hated your fans ?

Pop star
I used to hate them.

Crazy gambler
But I heard you said you hate them in the bathroom screaming. Here is proof .

Crazy gambler
* sents voicemail *

I'm a simp
Wow you really do hate your fans huh ?

Pop star
Yumeko pls ✨ S T F U ✨.

I'm a simp
Anyways continue the names

Kaede manyuda

Sup, I'm midari ikishima

I'm Mary saotome

I'm ryota suzui

I am Yuriko nishinotouin

I'm a simp
Is there anybody left cause I see there is member left that hasn't introduce herself / himself

Mrs president
She's a shy one. Her name is ririka momobami.

I'm a simp
Twins sisters if I'm not wrong ?

Behind the mask
Y-yes we are....

I'm a simp
So uhm could you guys sent a picture of your selves ?

Mrs president
Why should we ?

I'm a simp
So if I go to Hyakkaou private academy. I can find you guys easily.

Mrs president
That's reasonable

 Mrs president That's reasonable

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