chapter 1 the nightmare

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Sitting on my bed drawing thats all I seemed to do now and then I would do arts and crafts but not today. I was home alone wich was rare with my mom being a stay at home and all. I layed thar not knowing what to do.

"Maybe I should make more paper flowers or paint." I was talking to myself again. This was a common thing for me at least. I got up off my bed and was about to go to my desk when I heard a vary familiar sound.

"Is that a horse?" I asked myself as I made my way to my window and sure enough thar was a black carriage be pulled by a beautiful black horse. I was lost in thought but was quickly pulled out by the horse in my driveway.

"Maybe they need help." I slipped on my boot and ran to the front yard. I slowly got closer and closer trying not to scare the beautiful creature,soon I was next to the carriage. I tried to look in but  I was to short and the windows whar tinted. I backed up looking at the horse with it beautiful black mane and red eyes. The horse kick up some dirt that went straight in to my eyes.

"Aaa fuck you got dirt in my eye bud-" I fell to the ground tired and weak, but why? I felt some one put my in something but that was it I didn't feel or hear anything else.

I awoke in the dark room no light Source nothing. I put my hand up to feel around but thar was a wall in front of me and all around me I was in a box. My Claustrophobia began to act up causing me to panic. I pushed on all sides of the box till one side opened. The door opened with a creek scarring me a little. I walked out in to another dark room but this time there was no walls or lights but I could still see light.

"Whar I'm I?" That is a very normal thing to say now isn't it. I  looked around me I came out of what looked to be a coffin.  I truned around to see 8 more coffins lined up in front of me. Each coffin was adorned with a gemstone on the door. There was a red gem and orange, yellow,green,teal, blue, purple, and white ones to each on a different door. I turned and looked at my door thar was a gemstone to but black. I examined the gem for a little till i heard a door open. Quickly I truned around again to see that the door with the red jem was opening.

The door opened more and a boy with red hair and gray eyes stepped out, the others opened next. Out of the orange coffin stepped a boy with white hair and red eyes. In the the yellow coffin was a man whith brown hair, green eyes and lion ears for some reason. They skipped the green and teal coffin and went to the blue one. In the blue coffin was a boy with blue fire for hair and golden eyes. Next was purpul inside was a man whith blonde faded to violet hair and lavender eyes 'hes pretty' i thought. The white coffin opened revealing a man whith white hair and bright blue eyes. I was scared to see what was in the green and teal coffins since you'd think they save the worst for last.

The teal coffin opened but i couldn't see the person that well all I saw was someone wharing a red hood with brown fur around the edges. The green coffin opened and out stepped a man whith black hair, green eyes and horns. I stepped back out of shock hitting what I thought was my coffin. 'Im I dead are these guy reapers or maybe thar some kind of weird angels' I thought as I felt behind me. To my surprise ther wasn't a coffin but a stachu of something. I looked at the people in front of me but they weren't staring at me they were staring at what was behind me.

I turned slightly but just enough to see the stacho. The stacho was of the Disney villain Yzma but why? Thar was a plak on the stacho that I read aloud "the beautiful Acamist? When in her living years she managed to over throw a spoiled emperor takeing the throne and ruling whith in her Intelligence." I stopped and looked up 'thats not what happened in the movie though.' I thought. I looked back to the people behind me with a wired face. "Why I'm I here?" I asked. My response wasn't what I expected. "Because she wants you to be." The one in the hood spoke and all of a sudden the world whent black.

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