Brian and requested reader part 3

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For alm000143

Alrighty hun here is your 3rd and final part! I know it's been slow updates and everything and I'm sorry about that hun, I hope you loved the 1st two parts and hope the final part does the wait justice. Enjoy! 😊😊

Makayla's POV:

A plane... A fucking plane is the last thing keeping me from getting my sister back.

I should've known something was up when Shaw lead us here. After all the shit he put us through I don't know why I thought Owen fucking Shaw would take it easy on us this round.

It didn't help with me being 4 months pregnant now, my baby bump is barley noticable and no one can tell especially since I wear bigger clothes.

Me and Brian haven't told the team about the baby yet due to as much as I love Dom, since I'm not behind the scenes like Mia I knew he'd tried to bench me from going in person for my sister.

That.was.not.happening, no not on my watch, I'm going to get my big sis back so she could be a auntie and then we will tell the team.

I let out what sounds like a growl as I watch Shaw slow down to try and throw Dom off, I'm already sick and tired of his games.

I shift and begin to speed up, as I past Dom I slow down just enough to slam my car into the backside of Shaws and take a lot of pleasure watching him loose control of his car. Unfortunately he quickly gets it under control again.

Dom is instantly in front of me as we continue, I watch as another car comes from the left and I immediately know it's Letty, they are doing exactly what they did at the garage.

The cat and mouse game continues until we get to the plane, I watch as first Shaw then Letty drive up the plane ramp, Dom,myself and everyone else instantly speed up to catch the ramp, thankfully we all got on right before the ramp lifted up and shut all the way.

Dom and I climb out of the cars , Shaw comes out and attacks Dom and a massive battle begins

( Im not very good at writing fight scenes so I will be skipping this part. Sorry!!)

3 days later

We got Letty back but unfortunately we had lost Giselle, she fell from the plane when it had lifted and even though he had tried Han wasn't able to save her.

Here we are now at the famous Toretto and crew BBQ with everyone having a good time. I look over at my sister and even though her memory still isn't back I see Letty smiling a little while sitting on Dom's lap, hopefully I get my sister back to herself soon but for now I'm just glad I get to see her alive.

As the food finishes up I lean back on Brian since I'm on his lap and lay my head on his shoulder. I look at him a little from the side and see him smiling at me and then leans down to kiss my head, I smile back up at him.

"Yo Makayla, you want a beer?" I hear Roman say to me

I smirk a little and reply " nah I'm good, can't drink alcohol right now"

I feel Brian grin as he kisses my head again  I lift my head up and sit up on his lap.

" What you mean you can't have alcohol" Roman asks me I can feel  everyone's eyes on us now especially Dom's piercing ones.

" She means she can't have alcohol anymore for a solid 9 months" Brian says as he rubs my belly, hopefully Roman picks that up

However Roman looks confused and it's really quiet now, until

"OH SHIT!!! NO!!! REALLY!?!" That lovely response comes from Tej as he's the first one to speak

Brian and I bust out laughing at him, everyone else still looks confused except Dom and Letty, Dom is staring straight at me without blinking face blank and Letty my beautiful big sister is Looking at me as well with her smile so much fuller.

Roman is still confused and voices that so Tej decides to inform him in a very....Tej way

" Shes pregnant you fool!" He yells at Roman and me and Brian bust out laughing again as Romans jaw drops and his bottle slips out of his hand.

"How far?" I freeze up a little when I hear this question cause it came from Dom, Brian feels me freeze and looks over at Dom with me.

One look and I knew he figured out that I decided to go after Shaw while being pregnant, he just wanted me to confirm his suspensions.

I swallow and answer "4 months"

He narrows his eyes at me and does a subtle head tilt, telling me we will talk later.

For now we enjoy finally having our family complete and NO ONE will ruin it again. Not if we can help it.


After a long night of pain and screaming and threatening of Brian, we had a little girl who we decided to name Giselle Maria O'Conner

Annnnnddddd there it is! I debated on how to end this and thought I liked it this way. I hope you enjoy it and I hope beyond hope it was worth the wait. Let me know!

Til next time😊😊

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