I freeze at his comment, my jaw going slack as I look at him.

"What? I say, if you do it for enjoyment, then keep it. But if you're doing it for the money, quit.", Clay shrugs like it's obvious.

"Yeah. You don't have to worry about the money.", George whispers as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"But I don't do anything else. I feel bad just mooching off of you guys.", I reply, my cheeks heating up a bit.

"You're not mooching, and you do so do things for us. You feed us, you make sure we at least get some sleep, you clean up the house; you do so much for us.", Karl starts listing things off.

"We don't want to pressure you though. If you like your job, keep it. If you can live without it, cool.", Sap interjects.

I nod, still thinking about it.

We all continue laying in the bed for a while until I slowly start hearing snores.

When I carefully sit up, moving George's arm off of me, all of the boys are asleep.

That didn't take long.

I scoot off of the bed, not used to how massive it is.

I tiptoe to my computer that is situated next to George's.

His office is technically the biggest and I don't use my computer that much, so my desk got shoved in with him.

I quickly draft up an email to my boss and send it.

I quit.

No more job for me.


It feels weird that I don't have a job now.

I know the boys will take care of everything, but I can't help but be a little nervous.

I shut my computer down, returning to the bedroom.

Clay, George, and Karl have somehow tangled with each other while Alex is curled into Sap's side.

Crawling into bed next to Alex, I scoot closer to him.

He sleepily blinks at me, processing who I am and what I'm trying to do.

He repositions so he's flat on his back, letting me rest my head on his chest.

"I quit.", I whisper.

"Really?", he whispers back.

I nod, letting my eyes close.


"Alex. Alex.", someone whispers into my ear.

I let my vision clear before I figure out who's talking to me.

"Morning, Sap.", I mumble, lifting my hand to wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

"Careful.", he warns as Finley shifts on my chest.

She probably felt the movement.

The other three are already sitting up.

Clay and George are sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed while Karl is sitting against the headboard.

"You can move her off. She'll be okay.", Karl assures me, looking down at her.

"She's okay for now.", I mumble, beginning to run my fingers through her hair.

"What did you guys think of the bed?", Clay leans back on his hands, grinning at us.

"Heaven.", Sap grunts.

"I'm glad you got it.", George presses a short kiss to Clay's cheek.

Finley shifts on my chest again, and I allow her to turn onto her other side.

I carefully sit up against the headboard, making sure not to move too much to wake her.

"She quit her job.", I blurt before covering my mouth.

Uh oh.

Hopefully she won't care that I told them.

"Really?", Sap props himself up on an elbow.

"Uh, yeah.", I grimace.

Clay has a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad she trusts us, I guess.", Karl mumbles, messing with one of his nails on his left hand.

"We can talk about it when she wakes up. For now, I say we let her sleep.", Clay suggests, adjusting the blanket on her to cover her feet.

We all nod, deciding to let her rest while we separate to our offices.

Whole Again - poly!feral boys (DreamSMP)Where stories live. Discover now