I tilt my huge wolf head up to stare at him before my wolf lets out a playful yelp and I am dashing off. I could hear my mate behind me taking his time to catch up to me. To him, I must've been a slow runner compared to his Alpha speed but that fact didn't slow me down one bite.

I loved the feel of the wind that just seemed to tickle my fur. I loved the sound of my mates paws hitting the ground behind me. It felt surreal that I was having a run with my mate who I've always thought had hated me.

Maybe he still does. Maybe he doesn't. But I was almost a hundred percent sure I had a special place in his cold heart.

After a while when we had stopped running, Thaddeus nudged me before taking off. Now I was the one who had to follow him. I continued following him after stopping maybe twice but that was it. It took a very long time just to get to where we were going but I enjoyed every minute. It's not like I might have another chance at this any time soon. That thought made my happiness dim by a lot.

When Thaddeus began to slow I knew we reached our destination. Without much care, I huffed and placed my head on my paws laying down. That was until Thaddeus nudged me again so I observed the area.

It was a cute pond.

I glanced at him. Was this his way of being romantic? Because I found it cute that he brought me out here. Did I honestly just use cute to describe my mate, Thaddeus?

Without really thinking about that, I decided to just watch him. Even though that might have been a bit awkward, I didn't care. He suddenly stood up from his previous position before going to the pond and drinking some water. I decided to do the same, since the run here had me feeling exhausted.

When I began feeling hydrated I sat back and glanced at Thaddeus. He looked straight ahead not really focusing on much. I suddenly needed to ask him something that I knew he hated.

Can I ask you something? I ask him. He turns his huge head and gives me something like a questioning glance. As if hesitating, he nods in wolf form. In human form?

Thaddeus gets up slowly before heading to a tree. There are clothes in this area, find some for yourself.

I sniff out the clothes farther away from my mate and quickly shift, covering myself with a large shirt that ends at my knees. Heading back towards my mate- I freeze on the spot as I observe my mates toned body. My knees wanted to collapse but something was holding me back from doing so.

When he turned around he began walking straight towards me which had me feeling confused. Wasn't he going to put on a shirt? He only had a pair of shorts on... to be honest I'd love if they were off too. I could literally feel my wolf smirking.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked quietly.

"I know you're tired of me repeatedly asking but it is driving me insane and I really need to figure out. Do you like me or not?" I ask. He opens his mouth to potentially answer my question but I continue to speak. "Please just answer yes or no. I'm tired of these confusing signs."

"I don't have a problem with you."

"I literally just said answer with-" I paused taking in his words. "What do you mean?"

"Like I said, I don't have a problem with you. I want you but its just complicated."

Not everyone can get what they want.

"I don't get it, I mean we're mates," I state. Instead of answering like I thought he would, he turns and says, "we need to go back. I have work to do."

"Will I ever get answers?" I quietly murmur. Thaddeus hears this of course, but doesn't do anything but shift. I quickly do so feeling dejected and we both begin heading back towards his home. This time though I kept a good distance behind him.

Her Cruel MateWhere stories live. Discover now