Hunting... Part 6

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I was waiting down the street as Yata was herding the colorless king to me. I stood a kendo stick in hand. When we hand him cornered the black dog snatched him from us Yata took off. I went to a roof top scanning the streets for him.  We have lost him so I return back to the bar. Anna was locating him as I begin fucking with Izumo's shit just to irritate him stacking cups  and hiding his cigarettes. 

"Sera?"  Kamamoto looked to me, "What are you doing?" I set the cup down looking back to him with a smirk. 

"Oh nothing." I leave the bar hands behind my back looking at Anna's map. 

"He is at the school island," Anna says. 

"Ashinaka High School?" I ask Anna nods. Yata storms out I follow him with Kamamoto.  As we head to the school we took some kids PDAs and walked into the school. They went one way me another.

"Have you seen this kid?" I show someone the picture.  They shake there head I keep trying until I hear someone.

 ''Well... well. Lookie here Horma is here." I turn to see Domyoji a glare on my face.

"Horma I have no ideal what your talking about." I laugh, " It's just me.  I don't even have a partner."

"Why are you here?"Domyoji questioned.

''I have brother here I was just headed to his dorm. God can't even visit family without the blues jumpin down my throat." I groan he lets me go since I haven't done anything. Idiot I shake my head. as I walk away. I was zoned out when I heard something it sounded like fighting I run to see Saru and Yata a knife was lodge into Yatas shoulder. 

"I told you...  I've acquired even more power since leaving Mikoto Souh's Side. This is proof." He crossed his arms showing he had both clans abilities.  "Stay of this, punk! This is no place for a loser like you!" he block Kamamoto from helping Yata. He hadn't realized I was behind him. Yata had and when I went to step forward he shot me a glare.

"Monkey's right. Keep out of it both you." Yata states. Saru looked back to me realizing I was there now. "Monkey don't get cocky because of those half assed powers. Think you own the country now?"

"I'm not interested in anything as crass as the country. What I am interested in is... Blood and flesh." They were about to go back at it when. 

"That's Enough!" Seri yelled as she sent a line in between them with her power.  When they looked to her she stated, "That's enough you two, put away your sword. What do you think you're doing in board daylight? Did you forget where we are right now?  You are Misaki Yata from the militant faction under the red king are you not? You weild a skateboard and serve as vanguard of Horma and go by the name of... Yatagarasu."

"I know about you as well. You're the Blue King's right hand woman, Seri Awashima. Also known as 'The Heartless Woman'"

"The only person who calls me that is the owner of a certain bar." Seri answered softly.

"Huh?'' Yata asked.

"But that as it may, I cannot condone your presence here. But unfortunately there is to much to lose if  I make an issue of it here. How bout the two of you postpone your match?"

"He started it," This made me snicker.

"Is that so? Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. You will postpone your match. Comply. Was that better?" She stated sternly. 

"I don't have reason to obey, you blues." Yata smartly replied.

"Yata!" Kamamoto interjected.

"All he does is complain about how bad the food is, finishes up and goes back to sleep like a baby. He's quite a piece of work."

"Mr. Mikoto..." Yata looked away. "Let's go," Yata walked away. Kamamoto right behind him. I follow suit looking back to the blues slightly before turning a corner. 

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