the Prologue: The start

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{[Hello!! this is kinda my first be easy on me.]}

{[so I basically I read the fanfiction "unholy chaos brothers"...and I wanted to make my own version of it is a fanfiction of a fanfiction....fanspetion!! so yee, if you have any notes...pls tell me!!]}

Sung Jins Woo's POV:

      27 years had passed ever since Jin woo entered the gap between dimensions, he had battled a long, soul dragging war he had finally came near the end of the war. He will finally return home, a place he longed for, from his family's warmth, to the normal life he so craved for, and to the peace he could find within his life.

had the chance to breath with rest.

"huuuuu...i am coming home" as he smiled unconsciously "what a relief, that time flows differently here from the outside " 

only two years has gone outside right?? how is mother?? Or my father?? Jin-Ah? would explain my absence....maybe a 'I got lost in the woods case'?? ya know what...i wont complicate things over my excuses...ill figure things out.

With excellent timing, bellion walked closer and bowed his head down

[My liege, the surroundings has been tidied up, there are no more living enemies left!]

the soldiers of his army had finished massacring all the living soldiers, and all are looking at him ready for his next command. "Alright", as Jin closed the diary he was writing and descended from the mountain of the monster corpses

he was finally facing the first foe that made him lose after becoming a shadow sovereign, the monarch of destruction. he stood there as his 3 grand marshals , Igris, Beru, and Bellion are standing there beside him, and said one word



Jin woo stood where the gate will form with a nervous stance, he was nervous for the first time in a while. his shadow heart beating really fast like never before, even with all the events he had faced over those long years


he placed his hand on his chest where his heart at. he tried to calm it down, but his excitement and yearning to return will not make it stop. He fought his entire life for a him to find peace, even before him becoming a hunter, he fought for some semblance of a stability in his life, only to find walls and walls of obstacles blocking him with each step, from his loss of a paternal figure, becoming the head of the family at a young age, struggling bitterly to feed and supplying to his sister and mother every day, his mother's eternal sleep, his sister's school bills, and his every day almost death experience after awakening for the first time. He danced with death everyday, as if it was his old friend when he was an E-rank, and even after his reawakening, he grew to knew death as they became one, the Shadow sovereign.

Jin looked at him self as he looked like a middle aged man that came out of a trash bit while covered in another worldly armor it would be better if I change to a more suitable look when I head down on earth, he thought to himself as he shaped himself to back to a young man and a more suitable clothe {[refer to the japan crisis clothe]}

Now this is it. He smiled sincerely as stood alone and placed his hand in the air in order to open the portal. the faint yet calming purple aura came out of his hand forming a circle big enough to fit fit a naga when expanded. maybe I should not have did that , lemme  shrink it a bit Jin woo thought. he started to shrink the portal a bit. 

Suddenly the portal started to change colors from a calm purple, to a fiery darker mixture of purple that is closer to red. Jin was thrown aback the heck?? I thought that I had my portals more controlled, it shouldn't be doing that as Jinn woo tried to change the portals back to normal. Unfortunately the more he tried to do something about the portal the more the portal grew resistant to Jin's command. It really got annoying to jinn woo at a certain point, the portal's edges started to rotated counter wise, then it got faster and faster, till it started to suck the particles of dust in it. the vacuum got stronger and stronger and it started sucking him in the vacuum.

Jin tried to struggle to his bitter ends, holding to anything to get away from the portal, yet to no avail he got sucked in the portal.


Authors note: that is the first chapter introducing jin woo being thrown in the omniscient reader please tell me what do you think what do you think I can do for jin in the orv

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