A glimpse into the future...

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Noah POV 


"Valerie (5), Matt (5), Sawyer (3), come down for breakfast, Daddy is ready for you guys." Elle screamed as I read the newspaper and sipped my coffee. I loved my life – I was married to the love my of my life, had a great job, a beautiful house in Los Angeles, and 3 beautiful kids. Today is a special day, our first borns - Valerie and Matt's birthday, they turn 5 today. The twins were a surprise for us, and their birth story and this day 6 years ago will never cease to amuse me.

"Good morning" the kids chirped.

"Hello there" I cooed to my babies, as I moved over to go and cuddle the twins as Mommy's boy, Sawyer ran to her on smelling his favourite breakfast. For 3, he already was a strategist, knowing who to butter when and for what.

"Thank you, Daddy. Where's our gift?" my son demanded.

"Uh, uh. Good try, Matty. But you need to wait till your party this evening." I said to them.

"Okay" they mumbled quietly and took their seats as Elle and I both exchanged knowing looks. They started eating their breakfast with sullen looks while Elle and I looked at them, rather amused. They were certainly her kids when it came to being upset on not getting something. Ask me.

"Daddy, I think we'll go return those bikes parked in the yard, then?" Elle teased, after a few minutes.

"Oh yeah, don't think these two want it" I continued.

"You got us new bikes?" they shouted together. "The new automatic ones? Matt continued a pitch higher.

"Of course, dummies. We're your parents, we played this hint game in our days too."

Since a little over two weeks, both the kids had been very subtlety giving both Elle and me hints about wanting new bikes, new models they had loved on a commercial during their screen time.

They both high-fived each other and suddenly the mood on the dining table was a jovial one as breakfast was finished without any whines or empty threats.

"Mum, Daddy, is everything set for the party? Valerie, the boss asked.

We had a couple minutes before we left for school and they twins were trying out their new bikes as Sawyer played with Claude, our beagle.

"Yes ma'am" I saluted my little boss lady. Again, her mother's daughter, all the way.

"Is Maria coming? What about Hannah and Madison? And Katie? Henry said he couldn't make it; did you speak to his parents?" she demanded, chatting away a mile a minute.

And as if, her brother felt left behind, he soon joined forces with his sister in attacking me.

"Yeah, what about my football team-mates? Jim, Peter, Sammy, Daniel?

"Everything is set kids. All of them are coming, and their Mommy and Daddy have confirmed it to us. Go to school now, enjoy your day, everything is in the car, Daddy will help you." Elle said as she hugged them goodbye and sat them in the car while I went and scooped Sawyer up for a cuddle.

"So, little man, no being naughty at play school today. Okay?" I cooed to him as I tickled his tummy and he hugged me in defence his giggles giving me goosebumps. Yeah, the twins were a surprise, but this little man, was totally unexpected and a blessing. Our kids were beautiful, yeah, I am being biased, and it sucked to think, there won't be more.

I rolled my eyes and started laughing at their scrunched-up nose look, just like their Mum, Elle was clearly teasing them. Well, yeah, another piece of information, all three kids look like their Mom, and I don't mind that one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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