Chapter 11- Craig the Peacemaker

Depuis le début

Everyone attention turned to me causing me to feel a little uncomfortable.  "Well I just came here to warn you four."

"Warn us about what," Jazmine asked with her southern accent.

"Roc is planning to make all of you turn against each other.  Apparently he heard Jacob and Falen having sex."

"What," everyone screamed.

"You two had sex," Jazmine screamed jumping from Jacob's embrace glaring at Jacob and Falen.

"No," both Falen and Jacob exclaimed.

"I'm a virgin," Jacob said.

"Then what the hell is he talking about?"

"I don't know Craig what are you talking about," Falen asked.

"Well two months ago Roc heard you and Ja-"  Falen began to laugh cutting me off.  It started off soft but then got louder and louder.  Apparently Daniel caught on to what ever was funny and began to laugh with her.

"Can you explain to me what is so funny," Jazmine asked obviously annoyed. 

"Me too," Jacob chimed in.

"Me three," I added.

After calming down, Falen took a breath, "Roc didn't hear Jacob and I.  He heard me and Daniel.  No offense Jakey but you are absolutely not my type.  At all!"

"All offense taken," Jacob shot back.

"Wait you slept with my brother," Jazmine asked.

"Hey don't judge me!  I haven't got any in a while and your brother was looking good."  That caused all of us to laugh.

After two minutes of unnecessary and uncontrollable laughter we finally calm down.  

"You know it finally makes since," Jacob said.

"What," we all asked.

"Roc has been smirking and not bothering me every time he sees me."

"So what are we going to do about his plan," Daniel asked.

"Simple, confront him about it.  Let him know we know and that anything he says will not be believed," Falen replied.

I stayed and chill with them for a little while longer before heading home.  Maybe helping Falen and them learn about the plan will be a start to something good happening.


WHOOOO I POSTED! Eh this isn't anything but thanks to a bomb ass introduction to a story I wrote I felt my writers block lifted (for now).  I feel so good that I may post another chapter!  WHooo I feel good for posting but yeah....

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