I wonder...

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I wonder if any of my friends read this,

or even if they are my friends.

I used to have 2 who I thought would last forever

but atlas its just me and my panda bear. 

I used to like jello and made so many jokes about it. 

But now I don't like jello and I like salty chocolate.

I used to have a big family that I could rely on 

but now thats gone too. 

Maybe I've come too far to quit my journey,

but god be damned if I try to quit. 

I'm no quitter,

I'm not some old friend

Have me or leave me. 

I'm done with the bullshit thats gone down in life

No one deserves to be alone.

Not even my cat, Pickle. 

So for that, 

I say fuck you. 

Fuck that

and last of all

just shut up. 

PS: I'm a bitch and I know if, if you read this and your offended just shut up and eat your chocolate with your turtles else where. 

My daily bullshit PART 2Where stories live. Discover now