Chapter III • Heights, Mail and a Remote

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"Hey, look at that!!" They exclaimed, pointing to a hook that dangled upon a wire hanging from a pipe suspended above them. "I bet we could swing across with that."
Mono turned his head to look at {Y/N}, and they sensed once again that he was smiling. As if to confirm this, he gave a thumbs up. "Good idea!!"

With a running start, Mono went first,  leaping like he'd never leapt before and grabbing ahold of the hook. He used his legs to swing himself back and forth, and once he'd gained enough momentum, he let go and went flying across the rest of the gap, closing the distance between himself and the other roof. He waved to {Y/N} from where he stood.
"Okay, {N/N}, now it's your turn!!"

{Y/N} peered over the edge of the roof they stood upon, and felt themself begin to tremble. That was quite a drop they were facing. It was certain death if they didn't manage to grab that hook. Having never usually been one to fear heights, though, they took a deep breath to reassure themself, stepped back a little, and then ran as fast as they could, leaping high at the last second.
For a moment, they felt like they were suspended in the air, like they were flying high above all else. Then, the dreadful sensation that accompanies falling began to fill {Y/N}'s stomach, and they were brought back to reality as they just barely managed to grab the hook in time.

Taking more deep breathes in an desperate effort to calm themself, {Y/N} began to swing back and forth, just as Mono had, and soon they were in the air again, sailing through the air towards Mono.
They landed at his feet with a thud, and Mono helped them up. "Are you okay?" He asked, the concern clear in his voice. {Y/N} nodded quickly, wiping raindrops out of their eyes. "Yeah. Let's keep moving."

The children walked along the pipes some more until they came upon more boards. Walking across these boards brought them to what appeared to have once been a post office. Letters and envelopes were spilled all across the broken stone floor, and a single light hung from the ceiling, dimly illuminating the children's surroundings.

Mono reached down to pick up something that he had not noticed right away. The object was a black box that was a little larger than his hand, and covered with many buttons. {Y/N} tilted their head slightly, staring over Mono's shoulder at the box.
"What's that?" They asked.
"I believe, {N/N}," Mono said, glancing back at {Y/N}, "that this is a TV remote."

The two did not say anything, but both were thinking the same thing. Now they controlled the TVs.

They searched the post office for a few minutes, looking for the next way to go, and soon came up with a plan. {Y/N} crawled through a vent, entering the room next to the one they had first entered, and stood before a cart with boxes piled upon it. They pulled it out into the middle of the room to act as a platform in between the broken floorboards.

Satisfied with their work, they went back through the vent and followed Mono into the next room, swinging from the light and climbing up a chair to get where they needed to be.
With another running start, they jumped from the floorboards to the boxes on the cart and, before the cart had a chance to slide out from beneath them, they jumped to the other side of the floor, silently praising themselves as they escaped the post office through another hole in the wall.

"Y'know," {Y/N} began, "I'm kinda surprised at how well we're doing here!!" For once, they actually felt pretty good about things. They were hesitant to get their hopes up, but since they'd met Mono, they felt like they could do anything.

"I am too, honestly." Mono replied, tucking the remote into one his coat's pockets. "Maybe finding Six will be easier than I thought!!"

Executing their next plan, {Y/N} wrapped their arms around Mono's waist again as he held tightly onto a hangar hanging on a clothesline, and the two were soon gliding out across the city. The wind whipped {Y/N}'s hair to and fro, and to them it felt good. Through the rain, they could see quite a view of the city. It was views like this that they greatly appreciated.

This moment did not last very long, however. The children soon sailed right through the closed shutters of an apartment's window, landing on the floor with a loud thud. {Y/N}, of course, had landed face-first.
"Oooowwwww. . . ." They groaned.
Mono helped them up, and the two of them were about to head into the next room, when {Y/N} suddenly stopped short, gripping Mono's arm tightly to stop him as well. He looked at them, both curious and concerned.
"What's wrong, {N/N}?"
"Don't you hear that?"
"Hear what?"

All quiet for a long moment, save for the sound of a television, before a drawn-out noise that sounded like both a croak and a gargle came from the next room.
Cautiously opening the door, the children peeked inside. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. They were in a standard living room, with a couch and tables, and a television across the room from them.
However, looking at the television drew their attention to something else. Something that, from what they could see, took the form of a person, and an adult person at that.

"Is that-" Mono began.
"A Viewer." {Y/N} said.

Hey there!!

I hope you liked this chapter!! I made it extra long so that I could make up for how long it took to get this out. I promise you, I won't take as long next time.
If you're still interested in this, stay tuned 'til next time!! Bye!!

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"To The Rescue" {Little Nightmares 2 x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang