Falling - Cedric Diggory

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You are Y/n L/n, best friend  of Fred and George Weasley. This is set in the fourth book, so Y/n Fred and George are all in their sixth year. This is an AU where Voldemort doesn't exists so Cedric doesn't die, and Harry doesn't get selected for the Triwizard  Tournament (Cedric is the only Hogwarts Champion). This is also based on the book cause some details are different in the book versus movie.

 Y/n was walking at the back of the group with Fred and George on their way to the Portkey. Mrs. Weasley woke them all up extremely early, quickly fed them breakfast, and sent them on their way with Mr. Weasley , Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione. The group was mostly silent as they walked, all of them too tired to talk to each other. Mr. Weasley led them up a hill that Y/n barely had enough energy to walk up, Hermione clutching a stitch in her side as she fell to the back walking with Fred, George and Y/n. When they got to the top, Mr. Weasley told them to spread out and search for a Portkey. 

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!" A voice came from the other side of the hilltop as Y/n stopped two tall figures.  Arthur greeted him as 'Amos' and strode over to the man with a smile, everyone else following. Mr. Weasley shook his hand with the man who was holding a mouldy looking brown boot in the other hand. 

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," Mr. Weasley told them, "Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

Cedric was an extremely handsome boy , around 17. He was captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team at Hogwarts and a prefect. He was in Y/n's Herbology class and Care of Magical Creatures. Y/n looked beside her to see Fred and George giving him glares as she rolled her eyes, they were still upset Cedric beat Gryffindor last year when Harry fell off his broom due to the dementor, even though Cedric offered a rematch.

"Hi," Cedric said, looking around at all of them, stopping briefly when his eyes met Y/n's and shotting her a charming smile to which Y/n smiled back, Fred and George now glaring at her.  Y/n and Cedric got on well in their classes together and often partnered up when Fred and George would go together. 

Mr. Weasley and Cedric's father engaged in conversation as Cedric shuffled over to stand with Y/n and the twins. Fred and George shooting Cedric a look that Y/n picked up on, nudging them in the side.

"Boys," Cedric nodded at Fred and George as the muttered vague 'hi's before Cedric turned to greet Y/n. Cedric faced Y/n before outstretching his arms to embrace her in a hug.  Y/n wrapped her arms around Cedric's neck as Cedric wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist, rocking back and forth a bit. "I missed you,".

"You did?" Y/n smiled pulling away from the hug as Cedric smiled back her, responding with a 'of course', Y/n feeling Fred and George staring, they didn't quite appreciate Y/n and Cedric's friendship. "I missed you too."

"Y/n as in Y/n L/n," Cedric's dad asked as Mr. Weasley nodded, slightly confused, and Cedric and Y/n turned to face him. Cedric shooting his dad a glare as Fred and George crossed their arms, moving to stand closer to Y/n as she rolled her eyes at their protectiveness. "Ced, you didn't tell me Y/n was coming! Cedric's told me all about you, of course. Best chaser in Hogwarts,".

"He did?" Y/n asked, raising her eyebrows as Cedric glanced at her nervously. Y/n looked at Cedric as he gave her a slight grin and a shrug. "Best chaser might be a small bit of a stretch,".

"Must be nearly time," Mr. Weasley said, checking his muggle watch as he nodded to himself. "Ya a minute off, better get ready. All you need to do is touch it, a finger will do,".

Everyone huddled around in a tight circle, holding onto the  Portkey, the old boot. Cedric stood next to Y/n his arm pressed against her's as he turned to her with a smile before Fred pushed his way in-between them. Mr. Weasley began a count down after he got to one. Y/n felt her feet lift off the ground, a mixture of colour flying past her eyes. Her shoulders banging against Fred and George's shoulders next to her as they spun around. Y/n hit the ground hard as she looked up to see Cedric, Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley standing, everywhere else on the ground. Cedric walked over to Y/n, standing over her with a smile, laughing slightly.

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