‘Stand up missy,’ Alannah says smiling. I stand, spreading my skirt out. My dress is simple yet elegant, something completely different to me, but ho hey my girls said it’s perfect. When I tried the dress on I looked rough, I had tried on so many that day I was tired, but now after being done up for the actual day, I see why this dress was chosen. I look like a grown up princess. No more dress up for me though, because this is the real deal. ‘Put your shoes on,’ Alannah commands, nodding her head to my simple white satin heels. I carefully step into them, trying to not catch my dress. I try walking in the five inch heels, practicing the walk that will most certainly change my life. I’m playing the wedding march in my head trying to walk to the beat. A knock on the door stops me and Sophie opens it to reveal Jai and Luke. Their mouth drop open eyeing the dress, and, well me.

‘I knew he chose a good one,’ Jai smiles.

‘Sydney, you look beautiful,’ Luke muses. I mumble thank you to both of them, blushing furiously. My dad walks in, looking dapper in his black suit, and burgundy tie. The theme was to be burgundy and white overall, but obviously men would be in black suits.

‘Time to go princess,’ Signaling that it’s time. I nod my head and turn to my girls. We all have tears in our eyes.

‘Thank you,’ I whisper. They all walk up to me, engulfing me in a group hug. Alannah hands me my bouquet and smiles sincerely.

‘If he hurts you, you know where to find me,’ I can’t resist as I pull her in for another hug. I turn and start walking out the door, the girls and my sisters following my trail. We walk down the hall and outside, into the beautiful summer air. It’s the 7th of September meaning it’s mine and Beaus anniversary. Walking down the gravel path to the start of the aisle, I try to remember as much of our first part of our forever - the laughs, the tears, everything. Halfway through remembering the times we’ve had so far me and my dad stop, letting the 6 bridesmaids through with their men. It goes Jai and Carly, Luke and Alannah, Jordan and Skip, Sophie and James, and Jessica and Katie with two of Beaus other best friends. They all walk down the aisle silently, making my nerves increase. I can’t… The march begins, signaling it’s my turn to make my journey down the aisle. Everyone rises and I start walking, holding on to my dad for dear life. I keep my head down, until I muster enough courage to look up. I notice Beau at the end, in his suit, the sight of him makes my breathe catch in my throat and my heart beat faster. Dear God.

I catch his eye, and he smiles at me, genuinely happy. Maybe he won’t run away. I remind myself to breathe and let my dad lead the way. If I had to do this on my own I would be utterly screwed, because I’d be on the floor, my knees unable to carry unstable old me. We reach the end of the aisle and my dad hands me over to Beau.

http://www.polyvore.com/wedding_day/set?id=66793613 - Wedding Outfit (Sydney)

Beaus POV

I pace back and forth letting the nerves get to me. 

'Calm down!' Jai laughs. I stop and stare at him, making him shut up. Luke elbows him too which helps. I run my hand through my hair, what if she gets cold feet? I take a look at myself in the full length mirror, checking for the hundredth time. Same black suit, white shirt, dark red tie.

'You look fine' Luke says, trying to calm me down.

'Yeah stop panicking!' James says throwing a shoe at my head. I send him a look and try to calm down.

'He's not worrying about himself! God you’re all weirdoes...' Skip says.

'So who's he worrying about?' My friend Taylor asks scratching the back of his head.

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