April 2nd, 1978

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The first day back from break has always been Aster's favorite.

Not only does she get to wake up to natural sunlight filtering in through the large windows she's politely ordered the house elves never to close, but she also gets to wake up to Remus' warm arms wrapped tightly around her waist, her back pressed close to his chest. He's got his head buried in her shoulder, his lips pressed against her skin even in sleep. He snores lightly, something that's never bothered her before and never will, the sound going straight to her ear. Aster inhales softly as her body wakes but she keeps her eyes closed. She knows that once she opens her eyes, she'll see how adorable Remus is, and then she'll coo which would wake him up. So instead she leans into his touch and pulls the covers up.

She manages to slip back under for a few more moments of sleep, much like the Saturday morning in the Shrieking Shack after the last full moon.

The next time she wakes, it's to Remus pressing soft kisses up and down her neck and shoulder. She giggles softly as her eyes flutter open, automatically landing on Remus in all his soft, early morning glory. He glances up at her and smiles warmly but continues to kiss her. She giggles louder. He starts laughing before he cuts them both short by granting her a proper good morning kiss. She exhales dreamily as Remus leans up. He hovers above her, using his arms as support. She smiles brightly and tilts her head.

"Morning, Lucky Bunny," he whispers. Aster closes her eyes and sighs softly. She'll never get used to his early morning voice. He chuckles softly before kissing her cheek.

"Mor'in', Love Bite," she whispers back, her thick Australian accent blending the words together. Remus continues to laugh as he peppers more kisses all over her face. She hums softly as he does so. "Merlin, we're not even married yet and you're already spoiling me!" Remus laughs and pulls away. "Whatever will I do when we're actually married?" Remus playfully rolls his eyes. Aster reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. "Oh, I know."

Faster than Remus can react, Aster has rolled them over so it's now her on top of him. She brushes her fingers along his scars riddling his bare chest. He sucks in a breath at the coldness of her touch before relaxing. She smiles softly.

"Are you going to spoil me too?" Remus asks before taking one of her hands in his, pressing kisses all over. She giggles softly. "Is this what our relationship has turned into?" She nods. He chuckles as he laces their fingers together. "Not that I'm complaining." She giggles as she swoops down and kisses him. He wraps a tight arm around her waist, preventing her from leaning up again. Instead of fighting it, she rests her chin on his chest and glances up at him. He glances down at her. "I love you, Aster."

"I love you too, Remus." They both sigh contently. Aster continues to trace whatever scars she can find all over Remus's body. The scars from Snape's spell have mostly faded, which Remus is overjoyed at the idea of, but Aster's body is covering most of them so she doesn't see them. "More than life itself," Aster confesses. Remus lets out a breath. She glances up at him, a soft smile on her face. "Do you think Lily and James are lying like this?"

Remus laughs. "With Lily laying on top of him running her fingers all over his scars? I highly doubt it, Aussie."

She playfully rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out. He sticks his tongue out in retaliation. She giggles as she rolls off him so she can cuddle into his side. He wraps an arm around her, keeping her close. They stare up at the cloud-covered ceiling.

Aster had severely missed home during her first year at school. While she was very thankful Euphemia and Fleamont allowed her to stay, she did voice her ache for home. They allowed her to paint her room however she'd like (which they were going to let her no matter what). The sky on the ceiling was the first thing she did followed by painting the floor to make it appear like grass. The green paint slowly started to fade and was replaced by a fluffy carpet but the clouds on her ceiling have never faded. Instead she enchanted them to move and shift and change every day. Their favorite activity to do while on break is cloud watch in her bed. She and James used to do it a lot over winter break before Potter Mansion became the hot-spot for the Marauders to meet up at over breaks.

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