23. Wildest Dreams

Start from the beginning

"I think I know what you mean." She told him sheepishly, tucking a few fly-away strands of hair behind her ear. "It sounds quite fascinating. Truly." Aurora told him, now looking up at him with a smile. She decided not to tell him that she had once been in the Time Room – during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. How could she forget the man – she wasn't sure who he was, all she knew was that he was a Death Eater- who got his head stuck in the bell jar – only to pull it out and now have the head of a baby. If it wasn't such a serious situation, Aurora probably would have laughed. She almost found herself laughing now at the memory. It was healthy to find humor in the darkness, right? Anyway...she wasn't even supposed to be there, but she followed Ginny and Luna – who were following Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville.

"What about you, Miss Sinclair?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Aurora prepared to tell Theo all about her boring muggle life. To be honest, she was a bit worried that he would find it appalling that she stooped so low. She knew he came from a pure-blood family – money, wealth, riches, and the like. That was what Theodore Nott knew.

"Well, I was going to university. I actually graduated in June with an art history degree." Aurora shrugged, glancing down at her glass before looking back up at Theo. "And I work at a bakery." She smiled. "It's nothing special, I know. But I enjoy what I do. I'm trying to find a job at the local museum." She was hoping he was able to follow along – knowing that he was also submerged in the muggle world would probably help.

Anytime she talked to George, or Ginny, about what she was doing – she always had to look at their blank stares. She didn't think it was that they weren't interested, they just didn't understand. No matter how supportive Ginny was, she didn't understand why Aurora left magic behind.

"That sounds interesting. Are you an artist yourself, or do you just enjoy the history of it?" Theo genuinely wanted to know. He was trying to better himself since the war, and while his left forearm was blank and always was, the looming fear of being titled a 'Death Eater' was still weighing heavy on his heart.

Feeling a bit more at ease, Aurora took another sip of her coffee. "Well, I like to think my skills at the bakery can be considered art." She laughed softly, "And I've dabbled with sketching and some other things. I'm not shite at it, but I'm not great either." She joked, chewing on her lower lip as she looked out the window for a moment. She thought she caught a whirlwind of red hair.

Maybe she was wrong. Her eyes focused around the morning sun that was shining down, but as she went to turn back to look at Theo, the blob of red passed by again.


"Bloody fucking hell." George groaned to himself, his eyes catching the couple in the window of the coffee shop as he passed.

It had been weeks since he saw Aurora. Since that emotional night he spent wrapped in her legs, burrowed deep within in her most delicate center. He knew they said they would remain friends, but it was much harder than he originally thought. He found himself playing with the phone she had gifted him – writing out a message to her, explaining that he missed her and wanted to see her again, before deleting it and throwing the phone across the room out of frustration. His family had noticed the change in him, too. He stopped coming to Sunday night dinner and Molly was pissed.

Ginny understood, of course. Being in the middle of both Aurora and George and whatever kind of relationship they had going on – she knew why the sudden change in his behavior was happening. She was surprised that Molly had not figured it out herself after the second Sunday had passed where both Aurora and George were nowhere to be found.

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