"suddenly we all have things to do tomorrow at 9.30." kiyoko said, suppressing a small laugh.

"9.30 sharp" mai sarcastically commented.

"how convenient" I say as I let my upper body fall on the bed.

"you're right y/n he's confusing as fuck" yukie laughed chewing on the chuupet I previously held, suna's favorite flavor.

third person pov

suna closed the door behind him and hustily walked to his own room. as he passed the door, he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding and flopped on his bed.

"that was scary, fuck"

"did ya do it??? how did it go???" atsumu beamed but before suna could give him an answer, the door opened and coach kurosu walked in.

"go to sleep ladies, we have a match tomorrow at 10... what are ya gossipin' bout?" he looked at all of them and took some steps inside.

"suna's girlf-" atsumu started explaining before suna cut him off harshly.

"no. I'm not doing this right now. goodnight" he said and got under the covers, turning to face the wall.

"oh girl problems. got it we'll talk about that tomorrow" kurosu said laughing like a proud dad.

"goodnight" suna raised his voice a bit. kurosu exited the room and eventually everyone went to sleep.

except atsumu.

"so what did she say-"


third person pov

thursday, 9.06AM

the sun had already rose and the boys were done with morning practice. suna decided to take a hot shower to relax a bit before the game.

once his body was dry, suna put his volleyball uniform on and grabbed a towel heading back to his room.

he gently patted his hair with the towel and entered the room. kita looked at him, confused, then looked at his watch.

"suna aren't you supposed to be with l/n right now? it's 9.35" he said looking at him, confused.

"oh shoot shoot shoot" suna threw the towel on a bed and quickly grabbed his phone and bag that contains his knee pads he rarely wore, a clean towel, his shoes and some miscellaneous items like his charger or some gum.

"have fuuuun" atsumu said playfully and suna looked at him disgusted while holding the door half open.

"shut uυuuUp" he mimicked his tone of voice and closed the door.

suna kept walking hastily until he was outside the manager room's door. he barged into the room and almost instantly dropped his bags on the floor.

y/n was looking at herself through the mirror, her back facing the door as she was fixing her hair up.

she already had her outfit on: suna's jersey, a plain black skirt, some matching plain black thigh high socks and a pair of fishnets that covered her thighs between the socks and the skirt.

"dude don't just barge in like that, I could be changing" suna snapped out of his thoughts and averted his eyes from y/n's body to her eyes as she was now facing him.

"right, sorry" he mumbled.

"come on, let's get this over with..." she said as suna sat down on a bed.


y/n got the eyeliner pen she found in the folded shirt suna gave her yesterday night.

she sat on the bed facing suna, her legs crossed and her skirt covering up her lap area.

"aren't you gonna... never mind" suna pointed to his lap but put his hand down when he saw y/n already sitting down.

"suna did you take a shower?" she said grabbing a handful of suna's damp hair.

"of course I did" he murmured like it was obvious and scrunched his nose up.

"you didn't dry your hair... do you want me to?" y/n untangled her legs and got up from the bed.

"sure... if you don't mind" his eyes followed y/n around the room while she was looking for her hairdryer.

y/n grabbed the dryer and walked towards suna. she sat down on her knees so she could see the top of suna's head and plugged the hairdryer in a nearby outlet.


bare with me.

it's getting good.

I swear.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


ahaha - suna x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum