Day 3. (part 1)

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Reki's pov:
The sun was shining as bright as ever again, and the air was hot and dry as I was on my way to meet Langa at our meeting point. I put on a white shirt and my swimming pants, because there was no way we wouldn't go to the swimming pool again. As I drove past the streets in the early morning I took a moment to look around me. The streets were empty, except for some elder women buying fresh bread and the sun was low but already burning on my skin. It was barely cold enough to go with a skateboard, but this afternoon it will be absolutely impossible. I saw Langa from far away, he wore the same blue sleeve-less bottom up shirt he had when we went to the beach with everyone. Come to think of it, he probably doesn't have much summer clothes since it isn't very warm in Canada, but I didn't mind that because he looked stunning in it anyway. Ha ha, wait what had I been thinking right then? Well I couldn't deny it after all. The only thing that I didn't like about him, is the smile that I couldn't find on his face. He usually would get a boost of happiness when I arrived, which was always a bit strange but now I missed it. I hated this emotionless expression, it reminded me of myself when I have had my little breakdown and I didn't want him to feel this depressive pain too. One having to go through it was enough. The day continued to go on, the section was even more visited today and the 3 meter shelves were nearly empty after our work. Obviously we had a lot to do so we didn't talk a lot, but it felt as if Langa was purposely ignoring me. He went out of my way as if something about me was bothering him a lot and our only conversations were often less than one minute. Why, and when did we become this distant again?? I want to be close to him, I won't allow us to part away. No, never again.

After we were done with our work I was already heading to the swimming pool, when suddenly Langa stopped.
"Uhm Reki, I'm sorry but I can't go swimming today, I have to go home..."
"WHAT WHY, you promised you'd stay with me today because no one is home and I don't have a key with me!!"
"Y... Yeah... But you see, my mum is not feeling well and I have to take care of her"
"But what the hell am I supposed to do now?!"
"I'm so sorry, I'll be going then. See you"
I stared at him with my eyes wide open as I couldn't believe what just had happened. Of course it was important that he goes helping his mum, but he literally had promised me to spend the day with me. Well I couldn't blame him after all, so I guessed I just had to amuse myself alone.
"Yeah, see you..." I whispered to him as he walks away under the bright sun.
A little while later I already had spread the picnic blanket I brought for the planned picnic today. Everything layed there perfectly and with a nice aesthetic. The watermelons since Langa loved them, cherries and selfmade lemon cake, that I had made the day before. With a probably really sad look I grabbed my towel and walked towards the pool. What a pitty that the water slides opened the next day... I must've spent a lot of time decorating the picnic blanket, because unexpected clouds showed up on the sky and then I noticed that there was a slight wind too. Was it going to rain soon? Well it wouldn't change the fact that I'd have to stay outside for some more time. Now that Langa wasn't here I had time to do everything I wanted at least, but honestly I really wasn't in the mood to jump around happy as always so I went to a warm pool and just swam around. The clouds became darker and darker with the time. It was definitely going to rain, but I didn't bother.
It soon got cold in the water, so I made my way back to the blanket. The sun was nowhere to be seen anymore. The sun disappeared, and so did my last bit of happiness. I had to remember myself that Langa did not break our promised because he wanted to, but my selfish self just couldn't accept it. I really didn't want to let all the food, which I hadn't touched once, get wet so I packed all the things and left the swimming pool. There was still no place for me to go so I just wandered around trying to find a place to stay dry as an idea popped into my head. God how had I been so oblivious? I could just go to see Langa and if his mum was not feeling well, I could help her! With a little hope of spending some promised time with my best friend I started to run towards his direction while the first drops started to fall down.
On my way I passed a wheat field and I just had to hold on. This view was impressive. A large wheatfield bending with the wind and a forest at the end of the horizon. The huge dark grey clouds filling up the sky with patterns looking like wool, while it was still warm. A stronger wind blew from the field and swept my slightly wet hair strings out of my face as I couldn't do anything but stand there with my mouth and eyes open. If only he were with me seeing this beautiful landscape... About five minutes passed before I started moving on, because of the now stronger rain. I reached Langa's door right in time before the rain could start and so I ringed the bell while trying to catch my breath again. Some moments later someone opened the door, I expected it to be Langa but it was his mum!! And she looked completely fine!
I tried to say something but she already interrupted me.
"Hi Reki (yes she knows him now, Langa introduced him to her after episode 12 no one can change my mind) , you probably are looking for Langa, he told me he's going to the skate park would you do me the favor to tell him to go home, it's raining so much and I don't want him to catch a cold"
It took me a few seconds to process the information given to me.
Langa had lied to me. His mum was fine. He's skating outside instead of keeping our promise.
Tons of emotions started to come up inside of me but I tried to hide them. I looked up, put on a fake smile and said:
"Oh yeah sure I wanted to talk to him anyways"
"You don't sound well, did something happen between you two?"
"Uh, nothing big... Bye then"
I left before she was able to answer and went towards the skating park. Well I didn't walk, I ran. I ran as fast as possible, the anger and sadness were coming up as I screamed in agony, the rain pouring and completely wetting my hair.

sorry, part two will come soon. I know this story is kinda strange because it's pretty confusing but please forgive me, I'll try to make it clearer again.

Also should I do Langas Pov in the second part of day 3?

If you already have an imagine of this in your head done scroll, if you need imagines to see what I mean scroll for some pics.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

OH OH LET'S KEEP THE FEELINGS sorry, part two will come soon

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

sorry, part two will come soon. I know this story is kinda strange because it's pretty confusing but please forgive me, I'll try to make it clearer again.

Also should I do Langas Pov in the second part of day 3?

Reki x Langa a summer storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin