The Beginning:

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Audrey, well Bonnie now, had walked out of the car with her date, Sage.

You may be wondering how this happened.

Well, long story short, she died.

Then she woke up in Bonnie Bennett's body.

Had a panic attack.

Went through a lot of denial.

Then to prove that she wasn't Bonnie, she had said Incendia not expecting actual fire to come out of her hand.

That proved that she was Bonnie because last time Audrey checked she didn't have magic powers.

Figured out what Bonnie's password was, (Grams) when it couldn't stop buzzing.

Totally didn't cry at the fact that she wasn't reborn earlier to save Grams.

Was excited when Caroline texted her.

Caroline had to be protected at all costs.

Listened to Damon's voicemails on him demanding her to pick up.

Sent him a quick text on how she was going on a secret mission.

Then ignored his calls.

Found Bonnie's, well her grimoire now and found a locating spell to find Sage Mikaelson.

Invited her for a coffee and then proceeded to tell her everything once they went back to Sage's apartment.

Everything meaning from her death to her waking up as Bonnie Bennett to what is to happen.

It felt good to have someone on her side.

And Sage only wanted to be reunited with her husband, Finn.

Bonnie hated how the Mystic Falls gang had killed him when he literally did nothing.


Did the writers forget that they basically killed two sirelines?

I mean even though Finn hasn't been outside the box in 900 years, Kol has.

He must've turned a lot of people.

It should've shown some affect on the supernatural community or should've been mentioned in the Originals.

Or even once on the news.

"People turning into dust out of nowhere. What could be behind this phenomenon?"

But NO!

It had to be revolved around the story repeating.

Elena losing her parents, in between two brothers (Stefan and Damon), has a caring witch on her side (Bonnie) and a blonde badass bff (Caroline).

Hayley losing her parents, in between two brothers (Klaus and Elijah), has a caring witch on her side (Davina) and a blonde badass bff (Rebekah).

Hope losing her parents, in between like different pairs of siblings  (Rafael and Landon, Clarke and Landon, Lizzie and Josie, Maya and Ethan etc) has a caring witch on her side (Josie) and a blonde badass bff (Lizzie). 


Anyway Sage had agreed to help by keeping his husband from helping Esther or demanding death from Mikael.

Bonnie was glad she had an ally and one who was powerful.

Sage was a good fighter, travelled the world and had sources everywhere since she's like 900 years.

And since it had been two months from their first meeting, they grew pretty close.

Back to the present:

Bonnie had linked arms with Sage once they stepped out of her car.

They were walking to the doors until Bonnie had stopped.

Sage turned to her with a questioning gaze which soon turned worried when she saw Bonnie's terrified expression and her shaking hands.

"Bonnie, are you ok?" Sage asked worriedly .

"I can't do this." Bonnie replied rushed out, her voice trembling.

Sage placed her hands onto Bonnie's shoulders and told her to breathe.

Once Bonnie had done so, Sage had told her, "You can do this. You know how I know?" 

Bonnie shook her head.

"Because a lot of people in your position would've took the coward's way out and ran and hid or killed themselves. You learnt taught yourself magic. You contacted me even knowing the danger of doing so. You are risking your life to save the Mikaelsons. And if you ever think you can't do something, I will be by your side reminding you that you can. Ok?"

Bonnie nodded. 

"You're right. I can do this."

They linked arms once again and walked into the mansion.

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