Part 2/2

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(Many Hours Later)

Ky watched as Jet walked over to the pacer machine. "Rev's heart is pretty much doing it's own thing. I turn the pacer down more, then it won't be doing anything." Jet glanced over at the clock "it's been long enough since the venom's peak. We need to see if Rev is stable enough on his own."

Jet adjusted the settings and as he prepared to take Rev off the pacer. Looking up at the EKG machine, Jet held his breath. Switching off the machine, Jet's gaze didn't leave the monitor for over a minute. Turning back to face Rev and Ky, Jet watched paused when he saw Ky, she'd fallen asleep next to Rev. Jet smiled when he saw Ky's hand was pressed over Rev's apex.

Walking up to Rev, Jet carefully but quickly removed the pacer pads from Rev's chest. To Jet's relief, Rev's skin was just red. Looking back at the heart monitor, Jet watched it for a moment. Turning back to Rev, Jet reached for his stethoscope.

Inserting the earpieces, Jet pressed the scope to Rev's chest. Closing his eyes, Jet listened closely. Steady, forceful beats echoed in Jet's ears as he listened. Moving the scope to a different spot, Jet heard Rev's heart start to gallop. After a moment, it paused then jumped back to eighty beats per minute.

Feeling and hearing Rev's heart skip hard against the chest piece, Jet stepped back and blinked. "I see the venom is still affecting you. Get some rest Rev. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Rev let out a grunt as he moved slightly. After the way the last few hours had gone, Jet knew Panther was going to be out for a while. Hopefully, Ky would be able to get enough sleep.

(That Evening)

Eyes flicking open, Rev turned to see Ky standing over him. Moving to sit up, Rev grunted and laid back down. "Damn, that hurts." Looking down at his chest, Rev didn't see anything that would explain why he was so sore. One thing was for sure, Rev definitely needed a shower.

Ky's voice came out as a whisper. Had Rev been paying attention, he'd a heard what she said. Slowly sitting up, Rev turned to face Ky. "How bad did it get?" There wasn't much that Rev remembered. He did remember the feeling of his heart trying to escape his chest.

"I thought I was going to lose you at one point." She saw Rev's expression shift to one of concern. His expression told Ky to continue. Unable to look at Rev, Ky forced herself to speak. "You went into v-fib twice."

Rev paused as he rested a hand against his chest. Taking in Ky's worried expression, Rev thought for a moment. "Let's get out of here." Stepping in close to Ky, Rev whispered, "I know you listened to my heart constantly before Jet came in."

Ky's expression blanked as she forced herself to look up at Rev. Trying to figure out that look in his eyes, Ky felt like she couldn't breathe. With that simple expression, Rev had let down every barrier he'd ever put up. "Let's go somewhere where we can talk."

Clearing her throat, Ky was still trying to process how Rev had simply accepted her. "Okay. Lead the way."

Rev stepped up to Ky and tucked a finger under her chin. "Close your eyes and hold on to me." Stepping into Rev's arms, Ky could feel the heat radiating off his body. Loosely wrapping her arms around Rev. Rev smirked and tucked Ky's head against his chest and held her tightly.

Focusing on his destination, Rev teleported them out of the room. Moving to release Ky, she tightened her grip on him. Rev smiled softly and rested his chin on her head. Ky tightened her hold on Rev as she continued to listen to his steady heartbeat. "Listen as much as you need to. No one will find us here. However is you want to see him, you got to let go of me."

Ky lifted her head off Rev's chest long enough to spot the ultrasound machine parked in the corner of them. "You took us to the echo lab?"

Rev nodded as he said, "yes. Plus, Lux expects you to stick by my side, and I'm expected to play sloth. I know you need visual proof the I am okay." Ky froze. Did Rev already know her that well?

Ky froze as she processed Rev's words. By the time she realized what was happening, Rev had slipped off his shirt. Setting his shirt on the table. Rev stuck three patches to his chest. Turning to reach for the leads, Ky's hand took hold of them. Rev looked down at her as she snapped the leads into place.

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