You smiled, continuing to walk into the darkness.

The violin music soon got louder... the closer you got to where the string would lead you to.

You faintly saw something glowing, a bright yellow light in the distance.

It seemed to disappear for a second before appearing again.

You stopped in your tracks, trying to figure out what the glowing light was.
You couldn't see too clearly.. but you wanted to know what it was.

As you continued walking towards the light, a second glowing yellow light could be seen.
Two glowing yellow balls of light.


You took a few steps forward, having your guard up at all times.
The red string led you to where the lights were... so you didn't really have a choice.

The closer you got, the more clear the yellow lights seemed to be.
They would continue to disappear and reappear within seconds.

Almost like... blinking...

You soon realized that those lights...

Were actually a pair of eyes, staring right at you.
Your heart dropped as you completely made a stop.

"H-... hello?!"

You said, your voice a bit shaky.

A tall figure could be seen, they seemed to flinch a bit at your voice. But they stayed in place.

You carefully walked closer, your eyes focusing upon the figure.

They seemed to have two large points on the top of their head... like horns...

They had a bit of a curvy body and short hair.

It all soon clicked-

"C-... Cassandra?!!?!-"

You immediately woke up, your eyes widened.

You realized that it was still dark outside. You quickly turned towards the desk to see the alarm clock.

It was 4:25 am.

You sat up on your bed, putting a hand on your head.
A sigh came out of you as you rubbed your eyes.
"God damn... what the hell are these dreams..." you said to yourself quietly.

You soon turned towards the window, getting the feeling as if something was watching you through the window-

Your heart stopped.

You looked at what seemed to be huge eyes staring at you trough the window.
You didn't know how to react, not moving at all as you looked at the thing in complete horror.

It had big bright yellow eyes, and... black fur..?
The creature had extremely long claws and seemed to be about 14 ft tall.

~ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣~Where stories live. Discover now