Track 2

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Narrator: Around that same time at the castle, all the dressed up women were waiting for the prince to show up any second.
Man: Oh there he is now!
Man: So that's Prince Langa?
Girl: Look at his hair, his eyes! He looks just like a snow fairy!
Snake: Prince. Prince Langa?
Langa: What is it, Snake?
Snake: No, please call me Chamberlain.
Langa: Oh... that's right.
Snake: Today is your debut, prince. Introduce yourself to everyone.
Langa: ........ I'm Langa
Snake: Is that all?
Langa: Eh? ...Then... I'm from the Land of Snow.
Snake: .......Is that all?
Langa: Is that not enough?
Snake: No.
Miya: He's quite a... blank faced prince isn't he?
Shadow: I'm sure he's just jetlagged or something.
Reki: Thanks you guys. They say I can't take the carriage any further.
Narrator: Cindereki arrived at the base of Crazy Rock, got out of the carriage, and started to climb the hill, holding on hard to that glass skateboard.
Girl: Fuck you!
Girl: Move you, hag!
Reki: What's with these girls? Isn't there something weird about this?
Snake: There's only one rule of this event. To catch Prince Langa. In order to do that, you can use any type of fighting or interference you want.
Girl: You're getting in the way!
Reki: What is this? Isn't this a ball...?
Narrator: It wasn't a ball, but a battle* What was happening at the castle was a battle where people fight.
*The Japanese word for ball is butoukai and the Japanese word for martial arts fight is budoukai
Reki: Huh?!
Shadow: Ahahahahaha! Now is my time to shine! Move little girls! Haemanthus bomb!
Girls: Aaah!
Miya: Mother!? Why are you participating!?
Shadow: Because you guys are too slow! Now move or I'll run you over!
Cherry: I won't go easy on you just because you're my mother! Carla, caltrops!
Shadow: Ow ow ow! Guh! I won't lose to you! As a skater or as a woman! Prince!!!
Girls: Look out Prince Langa! There's some goblin type of woman coming at you from behind!
Shadow: Who's a goblin!? Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
Girls: AAAH!
Shadow: Prince! Become mine!
Narrator: She approached the prince with her big hands. Look out! Prince Langa!
Shadow: What!?
Narrator: The next moment, Prince Langa was spinning high in the air and easily avoided Shadow. Such an elegant appearance...!
Miya: He's so high!
Cherry: This is Prince Langa's skating!
Girls: The prince is so amazing! I like him even more! I'll be waiting for you!
Narrator: When the prince landed, he was attacked over and over by the women, but none of them could catch him. He just kept skating down the hill like the wind.
Cherry: He's so fast.
Miya: I can't keep up with him!
Langa: Huh? Where is everyone?
Narrator: The next thing Prince Langa knew, he was all alone. Just like in the Land of Snow, he was alone in this country too.
Langa: It's the same in this country too.
Reki: Waaaah! Move, move, move!
Langa: Eh?
Reki: Ugh! Sorry. Are you okay?
Langa: Mmm, I guess.
Narrator: The one who ran into Prince Langa was Cindereki, who had arrived at the venue late. But Cindereki didn't realize that he was the prince.
Reki: What? You're the only one here? What happened? Did you get lost?
Langa: So pretty!
Reki: Huh?
Langa: This is the first time I've seen a skateboard made of glass
Reki: Oh... you mean the skateboard?
Langa: Yeah.
Reki: How long are you going to look at it? Let's skate!
Langa: With me?
Reki: Who else is here? Come on!
Narrator: Cindereki grabbed prince Langa's hand and pulled him up. That hand was almost burning warm to Prince Langa who came from the Land of Snow.
Reki: You seem kinda bored.
Langa: Eh?
Reki: If you're going to skate, then have fun!
Narrator: Cindereki said that and then began skating. It was a reckless way of skating that was completely her own style. However...
Langa: You skate like you're having a lot of fun.
Reki: Because I love it!
Langa: Love it...
Reki: You do too, don't you? Since skating is infinite! Woah!
Narrator: Cindereki lost her balance and Prince Langa instantly grabbed her hand.
Langa: Don't just turn around because you're feeling confident.
Reki: Sorry. You saved me!
Langa: No problem.
Reki: Hahahaha!
Langa: Hahahaha!
Narrator: When Cindereki laughed, Prince Langa laughed too. And then... an amazing thing happened! An ice road appeared at their feet.
Langa: This is?
Reki: An ice road? Interesting!
Narrator: Cindereki and Prince Langa skated down the ice. With the ice sparkling in the moonlight, the two of them looked like a beautiful, whimsical picture.
Girl: Look at that!
Girl: What is it? Magic?
Girl: I don't know! But they look like they're having a lot of fun!
Narrator: The prince that had looked so bored was now nowhere to be seen. The prince's smiling face was very cute and just looking at it made you want to smile.
Reki: You're good.
Langa: You too.
Reki: You're making a nice face now!
Langa: Yeah. I'm having fun! This is the first time I've had so much fun skating in my life!
Reki: It's the ending bell.
Langa: What's that?
Reki: In this country, it's a chime for when the day ends. In other words, when that chimes ends, the day has changed.... Oh! That's right... If the magic ends... I can't stay here anymore.
Langa: What's wrong?
Reki: Sorry. I have to go now.
Langa: Wha? But...
Reki: I had a lot of fun skating with you! Bye!
Langa: Wait!
Langa: She left... I didn't even ask her name. Huh? This is...?
Narrator: What Prince Langa picked up was the glass skateboard that Cindereki was using.

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