Into the Azure sky

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In the afternoon of summer I sat on the bench outside the art room of my school. Our classes ended an hour ago but I was still on the campus, waiting for my little sister to finish her work in the art club.

Lately she and her friend Haruto spend an hour after school on a portrait of their favorite celebrity.

Since most students have left the school it was quiet here, one can easily hear the sound of small insects that buzzed in the scorching heat.

Lost in thoughts I didn't notice Hanabi had returned and was standing in front me.

"Let's go, Big sis!" Snapping me out of my thoughts she marked her presence.

"Haha, you surely are full of energy today."

"Yes! The portrait I have been working on will complete soon."

"I am eagerly waiting to see once it is done."

Smiling gleefully she nodded.

We walked back towards home in the heat, our house is situated in a different residence than the main city. Since we couldn't afford a house in the main city as of now.

After walking for a while Hanabi was out of breath as we were ascending stairs. It was totally understandable given her age and stamina.

"Rest here a little, we can walk again once you are ready." I decided to rest here for a while.

The view of the city from these stairs was truly magnificent, it has inspired me to one day buy an apartment with a balcony. From where I can adore it whenever I want.

But for now I had grown accustomed to watching the city from these stairs.

(Source: As you all might know already this scene is from 'Your name' movie

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(Source: As you all might know already this scene is from 'Your name' movie.)

Returning home we both had lunch once I was done cooking it, since mother worked during daytime I usually cooked lunch and dinner for my family.


In the evening Haruto came to our house with the portrait that both of them had been working on recently. It has been a daily routine for us the past few days, as both of them make some time to invest in this.

I sit in my room completing my homework as these two progress their artwork.

"I need to go to the washroom, I will be back in a minute!" Hanabi went out of the room running with excitement.

Looking at the portrait I can tell how much determination and talent one would need to draw something so realistic.

"Do you like this celebrity so much, Haruto-kun?"

"Noo, actually I was painting it since Hanabi likes her a lot. I think I will give her this portrait on her birthday next month."

His voice was a mix of innocence and anxiety. Looking at how deeply he thinks for my sister I pat him on the head.

Into the Azure SkyWhere stories live. Discover now