Chapter 15 - Dreams and Poker

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I don't recall how I got into my apartment that night, after the wedding, but I woke up with a killer hangover. I turned to grab my phone and saw a box of Advil, a glass of orange juice and a massive tumbler of water acting as a stand for a letter.

I took the pills and downed the water before roughly opening the letter.

Dear Maeve,

Thank you for being my date to my first wedding, it was very enjoyable and it's safe to say, very memorable.

I had a really great time, and you really impressed my co-workers. They have even invited you to all of our office parties, so we have that to look forward to.

Sorry again for springing the whole couple thing on you, but I have to say you handled it better than I could have – maybe you've learnt how to be a compulsive liar without me knowing.

I think we are very good at weddings; we should start crashing some now and then, don't you think?

You passed out in my car, and I'm writing this after dragging you upstairs. I know you'll have a hangover so when you call me I'll be sure to not scream on the other line.

Love H.

I grudgingly got out of bed, squeezing my head between my hands as I walked over to the bathroom. I stepped under the tepid water once I got into the shower, hoping it would wake me up – I never really liked scolding hot showers since it would flare up my eczema.

I brushed my teeth afterwards and walked back to my room to throw on a t-shirt and shorts whilst I attempted to call Harry. He didn't pick up but I just assumed he was at the gym or something.

I walked into my kitchen, downing another glass of water before I grabbed the box of cinnamon toast crunch.

Maria walked into the kitchen a couple of minutes later, yawning whilst trying to talk. I looked at her in a confused way, and this time waited until she was done yawning to talk to me.

"How was the wedding?"

"Yeah, it was good. Got a bit drunk, but it was really fun. I think I caught the bouquet, but I don't really remember actually catching it, I just remember walking out with it." I stood up to wash my bowl and set it aside to dry whilst Maria stood next to me making her scrambled eggs. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked uncertainly.

"Hm?" She hummed whilst scraping the eggs from the pan into her plate. She turned to look at me and I decided to just speak before I had second thoughts.

"Have you ever looked at someone and just for a split second, wanted to kiss them? Someone you shouldn't want to kiss." I blurted out. I knew I wasn't making any sense, but I was hoping she would get the picture. It was a weak moment but it was all I had been, but it would make me feel a lot better knowing I wasn't the only person to have felt weird about a friend before.

"Did you want to kiss Harry last night?" She said matter-of-factly like it was something normal to say. It took me by surprise, but not for long, knowing how well she knew me, and how I sucked at lying.

"Yeah, kind of." I sighed, realising how confused and stupid I sounded. I scratched the side of my neck before joining her on our little 2-seater table in the corner of the kitchen. "We were dancing, and it was really nice and I looked up and him and I, just for a second I...really wanted to kiss him. I freaked out and ran to the bathroom, and then spent the night drinking." Maria didn't interrupt me once whilst I was talking, and I couldn't really get a clear answer by the look on her face. When I finished, she nodded, sucking in her cheeks while I anticipated her answer.

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