Everything was going fine, two days ago I got a call from Mishti and I was stunned because she is calling me! After a formal conversation she mentioned, 'I am ready for engagement'.

This was something I didn't anticipate! I mean we had talked on call for once then for 4 days 'Good Morning' 'Good Night' type of message that too they were from my side and she got ready for engagement is something genuinely unexpected!

All of my queries got a simple answer from her, 'I like your behaviour and it's a week I don't have any reason to reject you.'

Isn't this something cute? I mean she liked my behaviour! At that moment I couldn't stop myself from smiling like an idiot.

But this doesn't stop her from plotting to kill me, she gets mad at me for accepting her.

She didn't get any reason to reject me just like that I got everything to accept her.

Tomorrow is our engagement and my family is going crazy as hell. One thing I love about my family is they support me, always.

We all wish to be independent, elders teach us to not depend on others but that's impossible! We can just be independent with our money, which economics defines as - Medium Of Exchange.

In reality, we all are depended on each other. We are on this earth that's because of our parents. We have learnt to be crazy that's because of our siblings and friends. We all are dependent on our loved ones with happiness and tears. Somewhere, we are dependent on our haters as well because they teach us important lessons of life. Doesn't all of this mean we all are dependent on each other?

However, we should learn to be independent with money. Few families have outstanding bonds but they break because of money! When we are independent then there will be no conflicts connected to money and bonds will be strong, forever.

Humans will improve only when they try to limit their bad deeds and do unlimited good deeds. It's bizarre, we all do one good deed and be proud of ourselves, we do thousands of bad deeds and never feel humiliated of ourselves.

A soft knock on the door bought me back from my thoughts, "May I come in?" Neha entered in as she sat on the bed making me roll my eyes. What was the need to ask when she couldn't even wait for my response?

"Nanu wants you to try all these outfits." She kept few suits beside me as she tucked her legs beneath her.

"You happy?" She smiled at me, "Of course you are! It's written all over your face." She chuckled making me roll my eyes.

"Why do you ask when you know the answer?"

"I love to question and answer myself." She pokes her tongue out at me.

"So? You never said me how your date was with Mishti?" She arched an eyebrow at me with a teasing smile.

You should never share any confidential with Neha because at the successive moment all the family will know about it and I don't think Mishti will appreciate it if I say our thing to her.

"It's our thing so I can't say you." I give her a spiny look with finality in my words.

She frowned as she went into deep thinking then asserted, "I didn't know you both are so fast. I mean on the first date only you guys decided to snuggle into bed?"

"What?!" I scowl at her as I try to understand the true meaning behind her words, "Ms Neha Rajvansh, don't use your mind too much!"

"Mr Abir Rajvansh, chose your words wisely, what will a person understand if you say It's our thing so I can't say you? She rolled her eyes at me, "You should say it's our secret so I can't say you."

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