Saying Goodbye

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(Warning Angst Galore. teehe.)

(Pilot Chapter)

This time he had gone too far. Way too far. Alastor was no stranger to pushing buttons but there was just something about the way you reacted that made him obsessed. He loved to push the boundaries, manipulate you, your thoughts and emotions. He loved to put you back together just to tear you to pieces all over again. And you had enough. You were tired of being led on, tired of giving him the benefit of the doubt, tired of trying to see the good in him where there was none. Just emptiness, rage and a thirst for power.

You were leaving the "Happy Hotel" or the "Hazbin Hotel" whatever the fuck this place was you were leaving it. There was no redemption and happiness in store for you. The thought of "Checking out in heaven." was a fucking joke and nothing less than that. There was nothing left here for you. Yes, you had made a lot of friends here, Cherri, Husker, Nifty, Charlie and Vaggie, and Angel above all. But in the end you didn't contribute to what they were doing. You felt you were just in the way. And whatever Alastor was planning to do behind Charlie's back with the hotel, you didn't want to be a part of it. You only hoped that someone someday would put Alastor in his place.

No matter what you did it was never enough, it was never enough to keep him for more than a night or two. He didn't care about you. Nothing mattered to him other than power and entertainment. His interest in you was limited and would end as soon as he found a new toy to play with. He could go fuck himself. He considered you weak and you knew it, but no more. Never again. You would just go back to working for Valentino, you knew he would accept you with open arms, him, Velvet...and Vox. You questioned why you even left to begin with. It's not like you were a sex worker, you just performed on stage, danced in revealing clothes, and did a shit ton of paperwork. You ran into a sleaze bag every now and then but it was nothing Val couldn't take care of. The more you thought about your life with the three V's the more regret you felt. A sudden ring on your phone made you perk up, for the first time in what felt like a long time you smiled. Vox was calling you. You wasted no time answering with a smile.

"Hey sweetheart." You heard him say.

"Vox." You replied with a smile.

"Val told me you were coming back. Is that true?" He asked, you could hear the smile in his voice, you knew he was excited.

"Yep. Turns out the "Happy hotel." Just ain't it for me. I was wrong, big V and I had a very long talk, and it took a bit of apologizing but he's letting me come back and giving me my old job. Which is great, I'm gonna need to be able to pay for an apartment or something to live in." You chuckled.

"Well. You know my door is always open. And Velvet has already been talking about having sleepovers and girls days. At least she wont be pestering me to go get my nails done with her. Or forcefully painting mine pink." he chuckled.

"But isn't blue your color?" You giggled for the first time in forever.

"Exactly! She could have at least painted them blue!" he exclaimed from the other side of the line. You giggled more, feeling relieved. Knowing that there was at least someone that would be happy to see you, happy to have you around.

"Well if you don't have a ride I'll come pick you up. I can stop by a fast food joint on the way if you are hungry." he began, you could hear him get up and start walking.

"That would be nice. I'd like a nice big, juicy burger and a large slushie to go with it. I've been living off of ramen and creole food."

"Damn your ass must be on fire." He wheezed.

"Yeah, and since Alastor likes to coat it in "Slap ya mama" it's just as bad going in as it is coming out." You snorted, forgetting your anger for a moment. You could hear Vox stop, as you realized you said HIS name it all came back. That hurt.

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